Hello All! Specifically the EBT minded crowd:
I have heard some conflicting reports of the EBT’s use of standard gauge ties. Some say they definitely used them, other say they didn’t. I would think that this might have changed over the years of operation…at times during the EBT’s history, they certainly did more than flirt with the idea of standard gauging the whole operation (which is why most of the infrastructure; tunnels, bridges etc, was built with standard gauge clearances in mind, and why they could haul standard gauge cars on narrow gauge trucks using the timber transfer). Some of the branch lines were even laid in heavier rail (if I’m remembering correctly) because of the thought that the railroad might be converted within their lifespan. Is their any evidence of longer ties being used in this period?
The reason why I’m asking is because I’m considering hand laying some track, and I’d like it to be as accurate as possible.