Large Scale Central

EBT Saltillo Tankhouse

It’s finally finished. This was yet another project that was on my must finish list for the FEBT reunion. I’m glad I did. It ended up placing second in the modeling contest.

First thing I had to do was make a second spout. The first one was just too small. Thankfully it was easier than the first having some practice. Next I had to make the water valve “stick” and several ropes to hang off of all the various bits.

I found some nice thread and tied the loops I wanted at the ends. I soaked them in diluted glue and laid them out on some wax paper to dry. Once dry, I tied the other end to it’s anchor point hung a small weight on it and wet the rest of the “rope” with more diluted glue. This gives them the look of real rope hanging, and not just thread flapping in the breeze.

Then it just came down to some finish paint and light weathering. I’m pleased with it, but it’s doomed to live it’s life inside. Next time things will get built for out door use. I think it would only add about 5% more work!

Saltillo Tank house North

Saltillo Tank house south

tank house spout

I was really pleased with the chimney. It’s just a solid block of pine with more pine strip glued around the top. I scribbled the pine with an awl for the mortar joints. Next was an over all covering of red then I painted the mortar with very dilute white and a #0 brush. Lastly some black dry brushing, and masking tape flashing at the bottom. It’s the most real looking model I’ve ever made.

tankhouse chimney

One more finished project, too bad it’s not the one I chose for the back to school challenge!

Randy Lehrian Jr. said:

I’m pleased with it, but it’s doomed to live it’s life inside. Next time things will get built for out door use. I think it would only add about 5% more work!

Saltillo Tank house south

That looks really great Randy. I have an indoor spot on my RR that is perfect for it when you get around to building the outdoor version (

Beautiful. Great job Randy.

Looks great!

Thanks guys.

I’d be happy to give it to you some day John. That will mean the main line on my outdoor pike has reached Saltillo. Then I will have built the outdoor model for the layout that I can steal for display on the F scale FEBT reunion set up. Until then this one will have to serve that function.

For next year’s reunion I want to have Saltillo station built to go with it, but that will be built to out door standards.

Great Job, Randy… Looks beautiful… (