Large Scale Central

Easy Ridge cap for roof

It’s usually the time a young man would get up, and start delivering the morning newspaper to houses around the neighbourhood throwing them from his bicycle. He’d have a route to follow.

My hours have gotten strange as I age. currently I get up between 1AM and 5AM

thanks, understood.

i just imagine myself on a bike, with a laptop taped to the handlebar - throwing papers against peoples doors… :joy:

does that coincide with the most common times for fire alerts in your town?

Sounds like a good time to consider world travelling eastward with a rail pass . It’s mid morning in Europe right now!

To do it properly, each resident should receive their paper in the bushes or the roof. :innocent:

THAT would be one boring ride!
there are neither mountains, woods, nor stations between Boston and Dublin.

but he could ride on Chris Walas’ underseatrain.


now you’ll have to excuse me.
i’m off to my 26,297th breakfast.

Surely, you could skip one? :rofl:

no, i couldn’t.


back when I was fighting fires yes Korm :sunglasses:

that was my first thought, when you mentioned your “uncivilised” times.
here we got most of the rescue calls between 0630 and 0715 hours.
waking up at five gave me time for breakfast, bootshining and so on.
the job went to younger volunteers, the habit stayed.

We could sit idle from 4PM until 11PM then the alarm would ring for medic runs and fire calls. The calls I hated were the ones that came in after 3:30AM, you knew you had a fire and usually came with people still inside. Not my idea of a pleasant wakeup call. And Christmas time was worse. Cords under the rugs to reach.

BD, there needs to be a badge for something like “deepest troll” or “broadest net” or “most desperate searcher of long forgotten stuff” or something, cuz Bill has hit the gong.

And it’s great that he does.

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