Large Scale Central

Eastern Narrow Gauge (LOTS of pictures)

People are afraid to use the off ramps on 495…liable to get clobbered by some idiot doin 90 down the shoulder…:wink:

This video shows you at lot of the same places with a train … for those like me who have a hard time imagining the ET&WNC ten wheelers fitting through the tunnel, it’s a pretty good visual reference!

Matthew (OV)

Cool stuff!



Bob McCown said:
Bart Salmons said:
And y'all came right by here and didn't stop to say "Howdy".......
Dont feel bad, Bart. People pass within 1/4 mile of my house all the time when they're on 495 and dont stop by here, either.
Bob - If'n I lived a bit nearer, I'd come by and visit you for sure. that'd teach you to be hospitable. ;)


More great pix, Bruce - that trip looked like good fun!