Large Scale Central

East Coast Large Scale show

Who’s going?
I’m going with one friend.

Train-li Axel and Dan will also be there.

Just a couple from Massachusetts !!

Sean McGillicuddy

Come on down Sean maybe we can meet up. What day/s are you planning?

Will be there Thursday night, leave sat. morning.

I work Friday morning, but should be there by 1:00PM Rooster might chime in here soon

You could find us hanging out with the " Inner City railroad club of Boston"
I will try to have my name tag.

I’ll keep an eye out

Probably gonna do both days but to early to say yet for Friday?

So is Bob going?

Too nice of weather to be inside. Hope to see you all in the Spring.

I noticed on the home page the part about forum badges.
It also has a time untill the show.HHHMMMMMMMMMM
I guess this one on friday September 24th 2010 doesn’t count.
So is Bob going , doesn’t look like it.
Oh well… I’m going!

Ok…Hope too see you there.

Wish I could be there. :frowning:

Sean McGillicuddy said:
I noticed on the home page the part about forum badges. It also has a time untill the show.HHHMMMMMMMMMM I guess this one on friday September 24th 2010 doesn't count. So is Bob going , doesn't look like it. Oh well.. I'm going! Sean
He's staying home and hosting a weekend long operating session......;)

So where and when is this show I know nothing about it.

Wish I could make it. Will have to wait until spring. Have fun guys.

David Kapp said:
So where and when is this show I know nothing about it.
Oyez, oyez, oyez, [url=]Read All About It![/url] This is Aristocraft's twice yearly show. I'm told it's a big thing on the right coast. :lol:

Its the only thing on the Right Coast, Steve.

This will be my first Fall Show. Trainworld has the best bargains. Picked up 3 Bachmann kits for $20 each in the Spring. Leaving tomorrow morning to shop in the area. Will be there early Friday because we have a wedding to go to Friday night. Boy, talk about a lack of priorities!
Just printed my nametag, so look for me Friday. Anybody. Somebody, please. Would be glad to meet ANYBODY from this forum.
Lou Luczu
Froggy Bottom Shortline

Lou Luczu said:
Just printed my nametag, so look for me Friday. Anybody. Somebody, please. Would be glad to meet ANYBODY from this forum. Lou Luczu Froggy Bottom Shortline
Come on , he needs friends to spend his money! Will look for the guy by himself! No not David Russell, the other guy! Sean

Oh please, look for the broke guy whose WIFE is holding the money!