Large Scale Central

Easing the grade on Coal Dump Curve

Then you’re off to a good start.

It’s 11 somewhere, so here is the film… A beautiful early summer day - perfect for the Quest for Rock


The gathering of rocks begins to fill up the front deck…


An appropriate brew was chosen to aid in the quest…


And fuel for the crew…


Where the newly acquired rock will be placed…


The collection…





A group shot…


And from the Really Bad Ideas department: When I lifted the track from the curve I did so in one large section. I set the section off to the side while the roadbed was re-worked. As I was working around I noticed how the track would look if it were a siding off the main. It looks really good which is very bad.




Looks like a fine mixture of business & pleasure :wink:

I braved the heat this evening to work out the final grade. My initial calculations (or my laser level) were off. I ended up with a constant 4% all the way around the curve and across the bridge to Indian Hill Junction. The 4% continues from there to Pine Summit where it levels out going into Deep Cut. With this change nearly all of the main-line is a 4% grade.

I will be adding close to 3 inches to the fill that Coal Dump Curve was built on. To make adjusting the grade easier I decided to place ladder roadbed under this section of track. I got one half of the ladder in place today and dropped the track back on top to adjust the roadbed to match the track. Had a crazy idea - why not run the test train on only half the ladder :o The test train pulled the curving grade with no apparent slow-down. Even though I only net a 2% decrease, it seems to be enough.

Looking good Jon. Agree that track you placed to the side does look good.
I saw on the news about missing rocks from Lake Candlewood. It lowered the level of the lake by ten feet. Wonder who took them :slight_smile:

shawn… :slight_smile: wonderful :slight_smile:

They actually do lower the lake level by 10 feet every few years in the winter to kill milfoil weed. When they do, my dock is sitting on the mud. There are lots of navigable places that are only 2-3 feet deep - and one area that is 80 feet!

Hey Jon,

It’s looking good, but I think I’ll stay with driving the truck to find rocks. Thats an expensive rock finder you have there, although I did like the lake view, food, and of course the drink of choice. For a second there I almost thought I was on lake Coeur d’ Alene about 4 miles from my house, but then I woke up.

BTW the siding looks good also. Have fun.

I like the siding also, yep you just added more work to this project.

I saw you are using wood as the base for you track, do you have much problems with rot, especially since you live in a damp environment?

Shawn said:
I saw on the news about missing rocks from Lake Candlewood. It lowered the level of the lake by ten feet. Wonder who took them :)
You saw that too huuummmm! ;)
Jake Smith said:
I like the siding also, yep you just added more work to this project.

I saw you are using wood as the base for you track, do you have much problems with rot, especially since you live in a damp environment?

Hi Jake -

I need to check my stock for an appropriate switch. If I have one and can get it to work to the existing track, then I might just do the siding. I also need to check the clearance under the bridge. If all of that works out, the siding may appear as a side project to this one. It will be steep though.

The wood roadbed has been there for about 6 or 7 years. It lies directly under the drip edge of the house so it stays pretty wet most of the year. Pressure treated lumber actually likes to be wet and lasts longer when it does. I have a little warping and one split piece, but I managed to salvage all of it for now. The only wood part of my RR is this elevated section and an elevated curve leading into it - maybe 25 feet. New construction is either on concrete or PVC ladder roadbed.

The Roadbed and Grading crews have been hard at work for the last few days as we have enjoyed exceptional weather (Thank You Canada). I finished construction of ladder roadbed for the curve. I was surprised at how difficult it is to get the roadbed to conform to existing track rather than bending the track to match the roadbed. It still needs to have the permanent supports installed and be painted, but it is functional and passed the road test.

Tonight I lifted the straight track off the PT roadbed so I could remove the left-over J Channel that was partially cut away a few winters ago. I used small nails to attach the track and the J channel to the lumber. What a pain they were to remove after rusting in place for 6+ years. When putting the track back I will be using SS screws. I’m also having problems removing the “treated” deck screws I used back then. From now on nothing but stainless will be used on roadbed.

I leveled the roadbed at a 4% grade and made new permanent supports to eliminate the temporary blocking installed last week. I was about 3 foot short of completion when it got too dark to work. I’ll finish that up tomorrow and continue leveling and installing permanent supports up the hill around the curve with the new ladder roadbed.

Progress pics tomorrow.

Rock Quest II is scheduled for sometime this weekend too.

I was going to hire on as labor, but I have to work the next 2 weekends. Sorry I couldn’t help you out.
So where R the pictures?

Pictures are in the camera. Roadbed was completed this afternoon. I Just returned at 11:30 PM EDT from Rock Quest II Came home with a pretty good load and I’m whooped. I’ll pull them from the camera and post them in the morning.

Here are the promised progress pictures. Photos are tough in this area on sunny days; lots of deep shadows, but here goes. Ladder assembled and graded…



I found that the PT 1x2 just fit into the block openings…


The old PT roadbed was shored up with more permanent supports. Everything used was recycled including the SS screws with green paint on the heads…



An overall view of the project…


I just couldn’t wait to see how the rocks were going to look, so I had to place a few…


The roadbed was painted in-place a few feet at a time with movable masking…



Rock Quest II was a success although not equal to the tonnage of Quest for Rock. That great spot we found last weekend was occupied and the alternate was a very long walk from the rock source back to the boat. Sadly, the assistant staff photographer (Marilyn) forgot to take pictures. The great weather continues so today will be track and scenery day. Once the track is back in place I might have to take a break and run some trains.

Sweet !

Jon Radder said:
Rock Quest II was a success… Sadly, the assistant staff photographer (Marilyn) forgot to take pictures.

In her defense she did get some great shoots of the sunset…




Moonrise was a little tougher from a floating platform…



Nice work Jon. Looks like you and your assistant have got the job well in hand.

I sure miss sunrises and sunsets over the water.

Hello Ralph-
Is the “ladder” trestle constructed from treated lumber or 1X2 (?) PVC pieces (?) 8’ long? I have a trestle I made that suffers from sun and irrigation. I’m interested in more data on what you used and your successes with this material.
My guess is others also face the same endurance problems.