Large Scale Central

Duck on a Train

Howdy all,

We sometime adopt animals people dump in the Lily Ponds at Balboa Park in San Diego. Recently we got “Boeing” a Pekin Duck that was probably someone’s Easter gift until they realized what was required to take care of one.

Anyways, Boeing loves Peas (and packing peanuts for some reason) and my daughter wanted to see if Boeing would chase the train if there were peas on it…so with out further ado…

Duck on a Train:

Yeah but Why a Duck?


Jon Chaplin said:
Howdy all,

We sometime adopt animals people dump in the Lily Ponds at Balboa Park in San Diego. Recently we got “Boeing” a Pekin Duck that was probably someone’s Easter gift until they realized what was required to take care of one.

…or cook one. :stuck_out_tongue: :rolleyes: :smiley:

Very cool Jon. :slight_smile: