Large Scale Central

Down sizing

A few homemade 40 ft. 1/29th cars.

Next are

Price reduction as of 12/20
$10. each plus shipping offers accepted

That’s some really great work there, Hollywood.

Thank you Cliff, but only operations quality on these. They are part of my first freight car build.

Now I can add a few better detailed cars:
5 of B&O style wagon top boxcars: Updated price

And might as well reduce these 12/20
$25. each plus shipping

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Bringing these to the fore again. Will be off to auction soon if I don’t get takers here.
Grabbed this pic today. I have an aluminum curved bridge. riveted construction. 8’ long and around 15" high. I think this is at 30 or 40 ft radius. I’m in York New Salem Pa. because of length I don’t really want to ship this. $50.00 if you come here to pick it up. Contact for other options.

Price up date on the cars and make offer on trestle

I’ll take the hoppers only …Put it on my tab. Gonna keep em as is same livery and run them in my freight consist round and round and round and round but it will make me happy.

Please and thank you.

all yours I’ve taken them off the list