Randy Mower has a bunch of files for buildings for LS trains. I grabbed this one today and am currently printing it. (His picture)
BTW: Way back in the 1880’s On the Silverton RR, At the top of Red Mountain Pass they built the station in the wye over a creek, and then built a two holer across a board walk. Guys and Gals, was quite famous at the time…A friend ( Larry Brewer) built a 1:20 model of the station, and the special privy… It’s on display at the Silverton Mining Museum if you should get a chance to go there…
I’ll try and find a photo …
Nice! Mine started as board on board (wood coffee stir sticks). The friend who built it then gave it to me, and I rebuilt it into a whimsical “accommodation” car.

Best, David Meashey
Test fitting all the bits.
A reasonably warm day has let me get a base coat on everything.
Continuing with the paint. Two base coats and first rough coat on the trim. Gluing frosted plastic into the window openings before finishing the roof.
While you started this thread with the privy which looks very nice I have to say I really like the dumpster. A unique thing to model that you don’t see a lot of on a layout.
Yea I’m sure tickled with how well it came out, even the color. I love these kind of details.
Me as well. The big things always get modeled. But something like dumpsters, trash cans, and something dear to my heart, fire hydrants, just don’t make the cut. But they are everywhere. So good on you Bob for modeling a seldom overlooked detail.
And what a great combination a dumpster and a place to take a dump. . .
Devon’s here all week folks! Try the veal! 🥸
I am only here til Thursday
Most important sign on a dumpster is the companys’ logo with phone number. But I do like this thread
OOh, good point. Gotta get on that.
Getting there. This really needs to be mounted on a base, the screens are pretty fragile when glued on end to the building. Some grey PVC and a bit of rock dust should fix this right up.
Pondering outside details, like maybe a trash can, and some other bits that might be around. A few crates and general detrius.
A bird or two for the roof …