Don’t Play With Trains
Whoa, Talk about a scare tactic. Is this being aired on current TV? Can I still play with model trains or will I turn into a puff of powder doing that too?
Holey crap!! Now that is scary!
Randy the cross-bucks said rail way crossing, and the voice over had an accent, so my guess would be that was Australian.
there was a video today on Facebook, 4 kids standing on tracks as trains approach they jumping away. they all moved away in time but one kid was being real brave turned and stood with his back to the train and backed up and got clobbered by something sticking out from a car, real video not a commercial, speed of train and getting whacked in the side of the head , he did not get up.
Playing in Google finds it part of a South Australia government safety campaign.
“Don’t rush to the other side” at grade crossings Pearly gates" theme by New South Wales is another theme
also found this,
“Using this framework, DTEI has led the implementation of a number of
initiatives during 2007 and 2008.
• Continued to promote level crossing safety through the ‘Don’t Play with
Trains’ television and radio campaign and with a new education campaign
proposed in 2009, produced by the National Level Crossing Behavioural
Coordination Group (BCG).
« Continued to promote safe and appropriate behaviour on trains and near
railway lines through the school based SafeTrack education program
delivered by TransAdelaide.
• Promoted level crossing safety through existing community road safety
groups and local Councils.
• Coordinated activities for the Australasian Railway Association Rail Safety
Awareness week in conjunction with TransAdelaide, DTEI and South
Australia Police.”
also found
"Melbourne’s Metro Trains launches ‘dumb ways to die’ campaign to curb preventable train-related deaths
McCann Melbourne has launched a campaign for Metro Trains to curb the number of train-related deaths in Victoria.
A three-minute animated music video, written by McCann ECD John Mescall, is the centre piece of the campaign. The video highlights the many dumb ways there are to die, with being hit by a train – a very preventable death – among them.
Mescall said: “We’ve got people eating superglue, sticking forks in toasters and selling both their kidneys. But truth is indeed stranger than fiction, and we still couldn’t come up with dumber ways to die than driving around boomgates and all the other things people do to put themselves in harm’s way around trains. The aim of this campaign is to engage an audience that really doesn’t want to hear any kind of safety message – and we think dumb ways to die will.”"
Where is the video showing people on the phones crossing the tracks?
Oops: Got to read my post before sending.
Try again with that video Dennis, would like to see it.
I like a country where you don’t have to be PC about something as dangerous as getting in front of a train.
It’s stupid and dangerous, and if you really have people that insist on doing stupid things, well, Darwin would say that would improve the gene pool.
We just had someone try there luck crossing the tracks were we are, sadly the Amtrak train was a bit to quick for him.
It happened at a commuter station in Attelboro MA.
The impact sprayed human remains approximately 150’.
There were around 50 automobiles that belonged to passengers that had to be quarantined so health officials could clean them properly.
The ones which really mystify me are the occasional people who weave out of line to drive around the cars stopped in front of them and then through the lowered gates. What kind of arcane logic is in play on that one?
there is one like that on youtube, happened to an Amtrak train, video from the locomotive shows a spray of glass and a thud, and I think it was 3 teens were no more, a security cam in the area shows them going around a car stopped for the train, driver got what he deserves , but the others in the car I feel for, not to mention the engineer and conductor.
Its the I need to get where I am going logic, and I am not as “stupid” as those around me. That’s the Foxtrot Uniform logic in play. I see it downtown in the crosswalks all the time. But a car at 25mph into a person knocks them down, a 55mph train into anything is a bit different.
I even pulled a lady back from the curb, instead of letting her continue, she wasn’t going to stop. As the cars whizzed by us, she shot me a “drop dead look”.