Large Scale Central

Don Winter passenger car kits

Glad to help. I’ve had it on the roof of my RPO for…15 years? and none of it has peeled up yet. I find that the stuff with the paper backing doesn’t stick to wood at all.

Bob, How well does it hold paint?

After I applied aluminum tape to my roofs, I gave them a light sanding with steel wool or scotchbrite. First coat of ultra flat black primer and then a coat of flat black primer. Paint has held up just fine.

What he said. Some 400 grit sandpaper and Rustoleum paint seems to hold up well enough.

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Powered through the combine roof and grab irons today.

Looks great! 20 Characters yet?

They are just about ready for HEP cabling, air conditioning and high speed trucks!

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Ready for paint

The weather is perfect for outdoor painting 50 or higher …

First coat on the baggage car roof.

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spray or brush ? The minions want to know…

Looking fantastic. I love using the foil tape. Kevin Strong turned me on to that and it’s a great look. Those are really coming out well.

Brush paint. It’s a dark grey mix of Rustoleum I made when I did the RPO and some other cars.

I dont remember where I saw the foil tape idea. I did use it on the 1:20.3 budget boxcars, and those are from, what, the late 1990s?

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My first use was circa 1999. I was also influenced by Kevin.

Combine roof done.


Talking to Del about getting the lettering done for these (Including lettering for the existing RPO, and the to-build business cars). Using the P-B-L cars as inspiration, as they’re well-researched models.

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