Now that iPhones & iPads have up to 5 & 8 MP Cameras plus Panorama and 1080p Video it is starting to make sense for me to use them to document my trains and layout.
The main advantage of video over photos to me is where there are multiple identical pieces of rolling stock and duplicate trains. If I ever have an insurance claim I want to be able to prove that I have multiple items rather than multiple photos of the same item.
Video will also confirm functioning sound and may even be able to confirm the brand of the sound system.
In the past I used analog 8mm HD video which would be a PITA to convert to digital (if the cameras still work).
On the other hand my past attempts to move videos from iPads to Windows XP computers were not very satisfactory.
Keeping videos on the iPads and iPhones (now with max memory) is less of a problem but IOS 6 has been a PITA for me to try to organize photos & video files.
Moving and mixing videos between IOS 6, Mountain Lion and Windows 8 (and then organizing them) has been a challenge for me. I still consider Windows with Office to be far superior to Apple when it comes to file management.
If necessary I can fall back on a Nikon digital camera and go straight to Windows but I suspect the iPhones & iPad are more capable than I know.
Is anyone here currently using IOS with Mountain Lion and or Windows 8 and Office to photograph and video their layouts?