Large Scale Central

Different approach to tunnel building.

Thought I would provide a bit more detail on building rock tunnels. The concept is to build a tunnel that looks like it was blasted out of solid rock.

First photo shows the track edging in and the side walls of about 8" also complete.


Next stakes are put in to set the proper height and the tunnel is filled in with dirt and shaped the way you want it to look.


Rocks are now placed on top of the dirt and end portals are put into each end.


When you are happy with the looks dry cement is brushed on to the top to fill the cracks and then the entire top is covered in cement.


Once the cement is dry its time to dig out the dirt from each end. The length of the tunnel using this method is limited to how far you can dig in from each direction.


When dug out and the track is installed it looks good.


It is really not very difficult and is especially effective for the shorter tunnels that visitors can see through.

Additional photos and higher resolution are posted on my flickr site.


Ah, thanks, now I understand. Looks good.

Randy, are you watching? That would do nice for the EBT tunnels at your new place.

Very nice Stan. I like what you did very much.

David Maynard said:

Randy, are you watching? That would do nice for the EBT tunnels at your new place.

Oh yeah, watching is about all I can do now for a while. You’re right, that does look very Sideling hill south bound exit. I’ll file that away for the right time. Lots of great ideas and methods in this thread. Good stuff guys.

Now that is a unique approach to tunnel building by Stan and the end product looks great.

Now that my house painting project is about done and the pollen season is over and the last of the caterpillars are dieing off and not messing up my tracks Ican get back to the RR and the tunnel build.