All DCC boosters do the same thing, boost DCC signals.
I know there is a difference in command stations, just asking about boosters.
Is there a big difference between booster brands ( NCE, Digitrax,CVP or any other brand)?
I know there is a difference with amp output and voltage output.
BUT is there a big difference in how they work?
OR is a booster a booster
The reason I am asking about if a booster is a booster is a booster is----------
Right now I am running my layout this way:
I have a G wire cab I am using as a throttle.
I would like more amperage to the tracks.
Al at CVP said I could wire the G2 DCC output to a OPTO isolated input.
I am looking for a booster that I can do that with. It will be wired like this:
I am looking at the CVP Single Zone Booster SZB7.
Just wondering IF this booster would be a good choice or if I should look at a different booster.