An update on the detail parts acquiring adventure. Looks like I am going to be putting my 3D printer to good use. Almost everything I need is available in one way or another for print. I am learning at great rates the versatility of this platform. Its a good time to make a shout out to the people helping me with this adventure.
Dan Hilyer has been my goto man for most of it especially the CAD design using Fusion 360.
Cliff Jennings and Dan have been super helpful in managing resin settings and getting my Photon to actually print something.
Burl Rice for supplying a key needed detail already drawn as an .stl file.
Joe Macummins (a lurker here) for turning me onto a program called Matter Control which allows me to take other peoples designs and cut out only the detail part I want instead of the entire design.
Dan again for turning me onto Lychee slicer. This is a tailor made program for grouping parts and adding the supports for resin printing.
Beyond that almost every part I need in one way or another I found on Thingiverse. At first i found nothing much of what I needed. As mentioned already their search engine leaves a lot to be desired. And not much in 1:29 or specific parts. But again learning, you don’t need 1:29 parts thats why we have scaling in our design software. Also a learning point was people are making complete models and have the files you need as only a part of their over all design. So you can download all of their files and then delete what you don’t need.
In doing this I now have my Nathan P3 horn. Two different versions of a 36" fans (which is good because the 1:1 has different fans in each spot), Air cylinders to replace the ones I lost, two different Pile lights (and yes the 1:1 has different headlights on each of their locos), and ditch lights.
The only pieces that I can think of off the top of my head that I still need are winterization hatches, MU stands, Brake stands, and the stirrup looking things on the boggie side frames. The newly acquired one is missing 3. I think I can design and print all of this.