Large Scale Central

Did somebody say I needed another layout?

Apparently… Or Kim does. She had me assembling hangers, and putting up shelving for an overhead loop today. Got about 1/3 of the way around the room before I called it quits (have to build 5 more hangers, and get a couple more shelf pieces)… she says this one is HERS, but Sara is trying to claim it as well… maybe I should have double tracked it?

This water tower used to be one of those blue, orange and green Lionel Thomas monstrosities. I think it looks good enuff now for overhead…

Mik that is one cool bracket!


Are you planning to us a roadbed? Cool!!! Sean

Nice. Thats one thing on my to do list.

I agree with Sean - Nice original hanger idea.

Not entirely original. I just didn’t like the bottom part of the ones the guy sells on feebay. This way you have about 1/2" leeway side to side. I’ll use some sort of roadbed with them, not sure what yet, as I really don’t want to try to steam bend lathe. The loooong section across the window already has a steel roadbed I made from leftovers from my workbench.

A fellow in Millerstown, Pa. was building a hanging layout in his garage and kindly offered to rip me enough wood for 12 hangers. Imagine my surprise when I started to open the box and smelled oak!

May? MAY??? This is only June now, right? Finally got my butt off dead center and put the rest of this up. It needs finished, and the shelf parts painted to match, but at least the train can go roundy round now. Had to put a dogleg in to clear the front door… The door misses the tracks by about 1/8" maybe a little less


Shelves along the side walls support the tracks. I’m thinking about painting up some building flats. and maybe adding some small foreground stuff.


Old reliable #6 was pressed into service to check clearances and continuity. About this point the dogs went nuts because the train belongs OUTside! They eventually settled down and simply watched it go around for about an hour.


The section across the end window will eventually be a suspension bridge, once I figure out the easiest way to do that.


I made a corner shelf for Sara’s little station and water tower. The real trick will be making OSB look less like crappy OSB.


looks good. Now you have something to run on those snowy/rainy days.

If I show my wife Sara I know what I’ll be building next! So far I only need to build an n scale in the quilt room!

Nice project

Oooh! I’ve got a bunch of N I need to get rid of. Interested in a list?

Doug Arnold said:
If I show my wife Sara I know what I'll be building next! So far I only need to build an n scale in the quilt room!

Nice project

Doug please dont take this wrong but can you see N scale? I have trouble with getting G on the track right no way I could get a N scale on.

Actually the n scale will be on an eye-level shelf where I can get my nose in close. The higher one would be the g and I’d probably only run 0-4-0s.

I started a covered bridge tonight… only one side is done. Need to get some more 1/8 x 6 wood. We also decided to face the shelves with 1x2s for looks and added strength – plus to make a short ledge to catch any derailments.


#6 pulls a freight


Kim’s #3… the only AV locomotive with sound (factory Aristocrap)… The speaker in the tender floor sure is a LOT louder when it’s overhead.


Now here’s a man who is definitely an “Empire Builder”. :smiley: