Large Scale Central

Dick's 2016 challenge build garage-barn.

Once upon a time, a farmer found himself with an old truck. Like most farmers, he kept it even though it didn’t run. He got some other old cars and trucks (and a tractor or two, and stored them in fields and barns where they rusted and rotted. Then one day, he got 800 feet of corrugated iron, and decided to build a shed to store them.

Nothing fancy just some poles and a roof. But it’s the start of a Build Challenge

Nothing like a good machine shed . . . Except for maybe the love of a good woman but most of them want a fancier roof.

Spent my first money on this project – $1.40 for two (scale 1:32) poles. I’ve got to cut them into ten foot lengths as the supports for my tin roof. I think the rafters will be more along the lines of lam-beams, as I’ve got several dozen coffee sticks. Gluing them will be the challenge! LOL

Dick, I did a glue lam beam, 4 of them actually, using aluminum angle stock. By clamping the wood pieces in the angle stock as I went, the beams come out straight and true.

Dick, you better get cooking…you got a dollar and forty cents into this…you can’t walk away from good money.