Large Scale Central

Devon's MIK 2021- Compressed air loco



Great start, Devon. Nice lathe work.

That is a great start, Devon!

Not much progress today. Helped another participant fabricate his project. Ben came over and he worked on his tank car and I provided materials, tools, and a smidgen of advice.

Helping friends is progress in my book (

Cool! That has the right look so far.

I’m seeing it. The “rivets” you bought will definitely be a lot of fun!

Bondoed the tank and built the rear deck

Looking good, Devon. I know I’m getting way ahead of you here, but where are you getting the sound files for this compressed air loco? (

Dan Hilyer said:

Looking good, Devon. I know I’m getting way ahead of you here, but where are you getting the sound files for this compressed air loco? (

Thats a dang good question. I wouldn’t even begin to know what one sounded like. Much less find a sound file of one running. I might just have to make choo choo sounds with my mouth on fart noises with my armpit

Devon Sinsley said:

Dan Hilyer said:

Looking good, Devon. I know I’m getting way ahead of you here, but where are you getting the sound files for this compressed air loco? (

… or fart noises with my armpit

Why not use the real thing (

Try these sounds Devon starts moving around 1:27

Devon Sinsley said:

Dan Hilyer said:

Looking good, Devon. I know I’m getting way ahead of you here, but where are you getting the sound files for this compressed air loco? (

Thats a dang good question.

I would ASSume they would have sounded close to the same as a steam driven one minus the …never mind…steam is compressed air in its self technically speaking ?

Right ?

Bump for post count

Great video, I notice that the cylinders are finned for heat dispersion, I don’t think I had ever noticed that before.

That is an awesome video! Sucker is pretty quiet!

So basically all the sound it makes is the chuff which is more or less what I expected.

As to the fins on the cylinders it appears some do some dont. I am going to attempt them because it does seem unique to the design.

So one of the biggest challenges is behind me. I wanted to make my own battery packs that fit in the tender. So I bought 2 bucks worth of batteries at the dollar store. I’m up to 6 bucks. I then found a peace of PVC pipe that would be about right for four batteries. I am going to put two packs of 4 AA batteries for now. That gives 12-13v. Eventually I will switch to AA size lithium ion running each pack in series then the two packs in parallel which should give me 14.4v and 5000 or so mAhs.

So here’s what I came up with.

One thing about dollar store batteries is they don’t last long at all. I was initially getting 13v but by the time I got done playing was under 12v. But it will get me where I need to go.

This all fits very nice and snug in the pipe. I will make an “air hose” that is the wires for the plug to plug in the tender to the loco.

Nice battery holder, Devon. I hope the hammer wasn’t necessary to get them in the pvc pipe (

That was in reserve in case it didn’t work

You plan better than I do. I would have to go looking for the hammer or more than likely just start beating it on the table, floor, wall or whatever or whomever was close by (

Dan Hilyer said:

Nice battery holder, Devon. I hope the hammer wasn’t necessary to get them in the pvc pipe (

Dan that’s why the batteries were dying he beat them to death