Large Scale Central

Devon's 2024 MIK - Featherkile Furnance and Foundry Shipping Building

hmmm … ok …ohh, the printer must be broken :wink:

I think that will be a cool looking shipping building, Devon. I like the covered siding/loading area and the cobblestone applications.

I approve, carry on :grin:

Building method I also want to try.


Should we place bets on the odds of Devon finishing in time? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And here I was not going to do a 3d rendering at all for the first time and now I see you do something like this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have a very respectable completion rate for the MIK thank you.

My rendering is nothing more than establishing dimensions for me so I can see the proportions before I start making big wood into little wood.

Exactly what my cardboard mockups have always been about :smiley:

So I bulldozed an area around my table saw and dug up some scrap 1/4" ply. I found a bottle of titebond 3 more than enough to do the job. I have staples for the pneumatic staple gun so can make the rough fabrication. Tons of scrap wood so details won’t be an issue.

Need to blast a hole in the mess in the hobby room. And see if I have a bag of quick Crete and some rock for cobble. I dont think i will need much of anything to make this build.

Atta dude Devon. Great that you’re giving a nod to Steve.

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Things are coming together nicely. I cleaned a large portion of my hobby room. Found the cobble I knew I had gathered for the furnace. Have some pop cans collected to be cut up for roofing. Plenty of various adhesives. I still haven’t verified if I have a bag of concrete or not. But aside from that I am pretty sure I have everything I will need to build this once we are given the green light.

Maybe a new rule is no workbench cleaning allowed, must use the space that is already open , no pre MIK cleaning allowed

If that was the case only Cliff and Rick would be in the competition together and the rest of us would be looking on the sidelines… I seriously don’t know how those two keep such a clean shop space. I try and try…

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I resemble that remark, Craig :wink: The Mik is my annual excuse to clean up the shop.

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I tend to clean mine about once a quarter… :roll_eyes:

What!? I can go into the shed and work there?
I was just getting ready to tell my wife that I was going to have to unstack the washer AND dryer for the next 4 weeks.

exactly. I clean once a year whether it needs it or not.

I was not around during the actual MIK days but I wonder if his hobby room looked like my hobby room and that is why he REALLY built on the washing machine.

Mik’s hobby room was the laundry room and the washer and dryer were the work benches.
If you are going to put a sign on the building, Devon, replace the “y” for an i in Featherkile.

Mik had no hobby room. he lived in a trailer. and not a big one.
but he never let himself down. he had no hobbyroom? well, the washingmashine had a flat top.
he had no razorsaw? he cut with a kitchenknife.
but he had an oval of track beside the trailer, with selfmade or bashed buildings and roling stock and he had fun!


thanks for Catching that John


I really wish I would have been around during the actual MIK years of the challenge. I really do appreciate all the ingenuity that the must have had so that he could play in our hobby on a shoe string budget. From all I have gathered he proved you don’t have to have money to be a G scale modeler. But you had better have some good “cobbling together” skills.

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Actually he had money, I’m sure not a ton but it’s all in how he decided to spend it. Mik derived from his ladies name spelled backwards.

Just saying