I’ve never done any kind of organized operations on my layout in it’s latest incarnation. A couple of exercises and puzzles that I made up, but nothing on the order of switch lists. I’ve downloaded Bob’s TrainOps to play with and right away I realize that I need more of a plan before I can do much configuring of the software. Here is what Ive got, some basic ideas of what I want to do, and some questions. The layout is in two parts - Indoor Division and Outdoor Division. Both divisions are connected by a pair of removable bridges at a place I named Escape’ (Es-cop-ey from Saving Nemo). The Indoor Division features a balloon track, two side-by side yards and a long siding where a future yard will go. The track plan is basically this…
The yard at the far left has not been build except for the lead. The yard in the center of the balloon track has two leads, so I will consider it two yards North (left) and South (right). The Outdoor Division is basically one long point-to-point with a Wye at the far end. The is the closest I have available for a schematic. The Indoor division schematic is wrong - that layout was torn down to build the current one. The outdoor schematic is accurate except that the construction at Walk is complete.
I REALLY need to update that schematic My thought is to try and use the leg of the Wye between Pine Summit and Walk as two sidings, one off the main leading to a dead end at Deep Cut and another off the spur track at Indian Hill leading to Walk. This would leave no run-around or turning facilities and both sidings would be trailing point. Using diesel power I could run, like some short lines near me do, with power at both ends of the train to overcome the lack of turning or run-around. Steam power would be more challenging, but I’d like to try that too. NOW THE QUESTIONS Should I designate the North and South yards and the long siding as three different locations, or call the whole indoor division one location and set up three individual sidings? Do you see a better way to simulate sidings using what I have down outside ? A long time ago I developed operating scenario using both legs of the Wye as sidings and a pair of diesels split up to do the work. This allowed running around without really running around. A drawing of that scenario is here if you are interested [url=
]was posted eons ago[/url] -OR- If you want really big for bad eyesight [url=
]go here[/url].