Large Scale Central

Designing the benchwork for indoors

I am hoping to get some benchwork construction ideas for building a freestanding elevated ‘walk-around’ indoor layout. I’m tired of waiting for the rain to stop.

You doing a flat live steam type layout or something to scenic with multiple levels like an HO style?


Mostly flat, but likely a little bit (1-2" ) rise for visual interest. Minimal scenery to start, I enjoy building stuff.

Here’s what I did a few years ago:

It was fun.

2 things I’d do different:

  1. Don’t put the crossover against the back wall. Never had trouble with the little switches I could reach.
  2. Maybe not put dirt everywhere, just strategic places, or maybe just potted plants amongst other scenery.
    C. Put the water feature at the other end. The stream was cool.

(Told you I can’t count.)

Before you do anything else … please send us some of your excess rain, please!

Okay HJ, if you send us some Gopherwood.

Neet idea Tom. Indoor garden railroad. A few grow lights and you would have had plenty of customers stopping in, from the DEA. “Whatchya growing in here boy?”

On my built in garage layout I just used 1x4s and a plywood deck, on my latest I’m using 1x3s to save weight. I dont know if I still have any pics of the framing but I’ll look

I can make a basic table top and skin it with homosote or foam board insulation. add some 1x2 or 2x3 support-legs.

I guess I am interested in building it so I can change it around if i want, a more modular, panelized configuration.

table strength needs to be determined as to whether you are ever going to need to get on the table… If it’s carrying a person’s weight, 2X3 or 2X4 legs surely would be required. Cross members would also need to be quite sturdy, as would the top…

just a few things to consider…

I’d figured on grow lights.

There was a cop that’d stop by now and then and look in the open overhead door, but he never came in.

David Hill said:
I can make a basic table top and skin it with homosote or foam board insulation. add some 1x2 or 2x3 support-legs.

I guess I am interested in building it so I can change it around if i want, a more modular, panelized configuration.


Have a look at the FREMO specs, beef it up for the larger scale. Why FREMO? Because the modules have a more versatile config.

BTW my modules for the portable are on a 1x4 frame, with 1/2" ply and 1/2" styrofoam on top of that.

David I have some pdf files I did a while back as I was thinking of building a moduel. they were for a 6’ x 32" moduel but could be modified for any length or size. I can send them to you if you like.

My indoor layout tables are made with 2X2’s for legs and framing, covered in plywood… where i have a long wall, I make 2 8 foot by 30 inch tables, then make a frame to fill in between the two tables… Most of my indoor layout is two levels, one at 29 inches, where it comes in from outside, and the top at 44 inches… plywood is 3/8 inches…