Large Scale Central

Delton C-16's and parts for sale or Trade

I am finally decided to stick with one scale in the G scale arena. I have a couple of Delton C-16’s that run but need work as well as a thrid one that I started building as a modern version with ronded domes and stack and headlight. it also has the Aristocraft motor block in it. I never got around to finishing off these loco’s after I got them. I even aquired more parts to build a 4th engine, but again time never allowed me to get it built either.

As much as I like these little C-16’s, they are too small for the Fn3 or G scale narrow gauge that I have settled into.

So I am offereing these up for sale as a package deal. All three engines with two tenders as well as parts to start building a forth for the low cost of $300.00 plus shipping or trade for a Bachmann Spectrum Caboose or any AMS/Accucraft caboose, gondola or stock car in any condition as long as its has trucks.

Personal message sent

Gary : the power block is the big solid one , not the individual gearboxes. I never took it apart so I dont know how many of the axles are powered. I do know that it is heavy I dont know how to add a pic here so I sent it to you privately.


Bing: These are sill up for sale or Trade.