I’ll be hornswaggled if I can figure out how to delete a file in my Freight Shed. I know I was able to do it before but now I can’t even get a delete indicator to come up.
Was ist los?
I’ll be hornswaggled if I can figure out how to delete a file in my Freight Shed. I know I was able to do it before but now I can’t even get a delete indicator to come up.
Was ist los?
Click the red round circle that has the “minus” sign in it
Well now I’m double-hornswaggled, it worked!
Thanks Ralph.
I haven’t heard that term in 50 years!
I would like to delete some of the directories in my freight shed.
how do you delete the whole directory not just the files in them ?
Richard I don’t see a way to do that. The only action available on directories is Rename.