I’m stumped at the moment about some dead Ni-Cad batteries.
- I ran my locomotive on Friday using said Ni-Cad battery. For the past month or so I’ve been regularly charging and discharging the battery as I’ve been playing around with it.
On Sunday, I charged the battery like normal, expecting to have the locomotive charged and ready to go. Yesterday after I got home late from work (battery charged for 24’), I clicked the switch on and nothing happened… I can get a small less than 1 volt reading.
So did I kill the battery by either accidentally leaving it ‘on’ over the weekend, slowly draining the battery down to 0, and the latest charge hasn’t held? I put it back on the charger last night and checked this morning before I went to work real quick and still no voltage. Should I try the 12 volt zap method? I keep it charging when I left for work.
Unrelated, but related…
- I have three other sets of Ni-Cad and/or NiMh (can’t remember the moment) installed in other locomotives (and extra battery car) that I haven’t used in probably 5-6 years. I tried charging them a while back to see if they would hold a charge, but I never got a decent charge.
Here’s my question(s).
Is there anything I can do to revive the NiCad/NiMh batteries that I have before plunking down $ for new ones?
Is it time to switch to LiOn?
The irony of the whole thing is one of my caboose batteries just keeps on taking a beating…
It can sit for years with no charge, and it works great. But then again it is only powering a few LED’s…