it’s a balance clearly, for those of us who have to work (not from home), it’s a balance of do you want it light before work or after work.
I’m with Todd, I’d like a few hours of time after work in the sunlight during the week, for my favorite hobby.
I’ve heard all kinds of theories, when I was young, it was that being light in the AM helped school children waiting for the bus and farmers milking cows.
Where I live all the kids get bussed to school, and I see school hours extended such that you cannot make it so it’s always light for them in the morning. The dairy farmers use machines to milk cows now, and the cows come in of their own volition.
I’m voting to stay in DST year round… the days are getting “shorter” already, “falling back” in time seems to make the days even shorter. Going to work in the dark AND coming home in the dark just sucks.