Large Scale Central

Daylight Saving Time

Fred Mills. said:

MAKE SURE YOU VOTE…and vote often…TRY voting “AGAINST HATRED”…bring Americans back together again, as the proud and loving country your neighbours knew you as, not that many years ago.

Fred Mills

I know…NO RELIGION OR POLITICS…but the though just had to be expressed, with great hopes for the future.

I’m pretty sure that was one of those two categories.

who votes for hatred, and who defines it? Same guy that said I cannot define porn, but I know it when I see it.

The time change is an annoyance but if having it get light earlier in the morning reduces the number of children killed while waiting at bus stops then it’s worth it. Now what we need is a device that would prevent smart phone use in moving cars !

Since we abandoned Sun Dials all time is arbitrary. It makes no difference to me and I do enjoy the extra daylight during the summer months. My big problem with last nights change is that our dog is awake and ready to go an hour early this morning. No extra hour of sleep for us.

They can make us change our grandfather clocks and wrist watches, but, mercifully, thankfully, the Sun could really care less what we do!

I thought we were capable of self moderation. Fred decided to intentionally post political content; Bruce called him out; the subject was quickly changed and now John, you bring it back. We are friends and I have nothing against you personally, but you know better.

Darn! I wanted to touch on that ‘vote often’ remark …(

Nice day for trains ain’t it?

Edit; Since Bruce’s reply came on a new page, I’ll give JP the benefit of doubt, he might not have seen it when replying.

Gary Buchanan, FOG said:

The time change is an annoyance but if having it get light earlier in the morning reduces the number of children killed while waiting at bus stops then it’s worth it. Now what we need is a device that would prevent smart phone use in moving cars !

  1. Children work better at school if they are not woken up so early - especially teenagers. (Proven research.) If the schools set sensible hours designed for learning, not after-school sports, then there would be no need for early waiting at bus stops. In Annapolis, the high school kids get picked up first (when they are most sleep-deprived) in order to get the sports done in daylight!!! No wonder there are bus stop accidents.

  2. Most mobile phones can be set to refuse to work while the car is moving, which I found very irritating when it arrived as a ‘feature’ some years ago. [It uses bluetooth I think.] If that was made mandatory, problem solved. {this one more ads than actual applicable text)

“… if having it get light earlier in the morning reduces the number of children killed while waiting at bus stops then it’s worth it.

So people down there are ‘attracted’ to bus stops now !?

doug c

Here in Florida, kids end up standing at the bus stop in the dark whether it’s Daylight Savings or Standard time. Also, some will be getting home in the dark. It all depends on what state and where you live within the time zone.

Actually, on Nov 6 in California we are voting whether to adopt the govt time plan and possibly get rid of daylight savings time.

I’ll certainly vote for it. The sun still will be up before 7:30 AM on the shortest day and I never get out of bed until 8:30, so I figure that I’ll will gain an hour of daylight in the winter and loose nothing. Besides, it’s depressing when it already dark at 5:00 PM and you can’t get anything done.

it’s a balance clearly, for those of us who have to work (not from home), it’s a balance of do you want it light before work or after work.

I’m with Todd, I’d like a few hours of time after work in the sunlight during the week, for my favorite hobby.

I’ve heard all kinds of theories, when I was young, it was that being light in the AM helped school children waiting for the bus and farmers milking cows.

Where I live all the kids get bussed to school, and I see school hours extended such that you cannot make it so it’s always light for them in the morning. The dairy farmers use machines to milk cows now, and the cows come in of their own volition.

I’m voting to stay in DST year round… the days are getting “shorter” already, “falling back” in time seems to make the days even shorter. Going to work in the dark AND coming home in the dark just sucks.


Jim Harris said:

If I’m not mistaken California gets a vote to end it. Where did I put my mail in ballot?

We get mail in ballots because my zip code is E I E I O. So on election day I drive them to the polling place to get them in on time.

Yes Prop 7, keep on DST year round, we are already on DST 75% of the year, switching back to standard time is a PITA for what 3 months?

Only in California would that happen, what has my home state done now? That is a real FUBAR!

You liked the back and forth of daylight savings?

Everyone has expressed why they would like it “on” year round, can you give me your reasons you like going in and out of DST? I’ve never heard anyone really like it, of course I have only lived in California for over 60 years!

Actually interested in hearing reasons, I cannot think of any myself, so open to learning another viewpoint.

Thanks, Greg

Greg Elmassian said:

You liked the back and forth of daylight savings?

Everyone has expressed why they would like it “on” year round, can you give me your reasons you like going in and out of DST? I’ve never heard anyone really like it, of course I have only lived in California for over 60 years!

Actually interested in hearing reasons, I cannot think of any myself, so open to learning another viewpoint.

Thanks, Greg

My wife voted against it. She is against anything that is government-related/mandated…, so she says. But she also likes the old way because even though she doesn’t get out of bed until 8:30, she wants the sun to wake her gradually. Sheesh! I hate that. I want to sleep as long as I can. (

I just think that she didn’t think it through because she certainly agrees with my reasoning also. But, those are her reasons.

The only reasons I can find that make sense is people wanting it light in the morning (before work) as opposed to light in the evening (after work).

Since I run trains, my vote is evening light, since running trains before work would DEFINITELY irritate the neighbors!


Your prime time is 8-11 pm, while ours is 7-10 pm , one adjusts to the sun not the clock. We still have plenty of evening, we just use a different number.

Silly Nonsense, still.

Vic Smith said:

Jim Harris said:

If I’m not mistaken California gets a vote to end it. Where did I put my mail in ballot?

We get mail in ballots because my zip code is E I E I O. So on election day I drive them to the polling place to get them in on time.

Yes Prop 7, keep on DST year round, we are already on DST 75% of the year, switching back to standard time is a PITA for what 3 months?


A yes vote for pro. 7 would give the state legislature complete power to do whatever they decide to do with Daylight Saving Time. In the future, we the people will not be able to vote for or against it if 7 passes.

More government control.
