Now that’s a steam effect - cool and not very windy in Maryland.
My K4 and Pennsy coaches, and Dan’s coaches passing with Noel’s Aster mikado. That’s Dan in the background, and Jerry (Naptowneng) up front.
Now that’s a steam effect - cool and not very windy in Maryland.
My K4 and Pennsy coaches, and Dan’s coaches passing with Noel’s Aster mikado. That’s Dan in the background, and Jerry (Naptowneng) up front.
I should have titled this thread “K4 Steamups” as that’s what I have been doing. Between a long boating trip and other activities, most of my trains hardly moved a wheel. The K4 was my go-to engine for the big tracks though, and I am slowly figuring out how to use the axle pump. I also got the oiler to work at last. For all you worriers - I did run it completely out of water a couple of times, and it has run half-a-dozen days without much steam oil. No signs of damage - it did run faster once I got the oiler really working!
Anyway, here’s a quick video from yesterday: