Would like to convert my NW-2 to RCS and include some sound system. Needless to say cost & ease of installation regarding the sound system is my major concern, looking for feedback regarding these 2 sound systems - thanks
I used RCS and Sierra in my Boxcab and it was pretty easy to setup and sounds great. The key to good sound is to enclose the speaker. You might also look at the Phoenix P5 - Tony makes an interface board so you can use that with RCS. I think the Sierra is a bit cheaper, but does not have some of the special effects of the Phoenix, such as brake squeal. But, I mostly use horn and bell, which is easily controlled via RCS.
This is Tony Walsham’s installation in his industrial diesel.
Tony’s Dallee Install
Guys before you jump into Phoenix, Sierra, or Dallee look at QSI QSI for price quality sound ease of installation! check out the difference between Phoenix and QSI at half the price at you tube 7485jerry or link up to it on my webpage from here, and hear the difference between the two actual sound demonstration! I just installed the aristo pnp in my dash 9 shown on those videos, and have full i mean “FULL” control over about 28 functions with the added g-wire $79 and the t9000 throttle $197. Go see for yourself $128.00 or $250/$160 for Phoenix? QSI QSI that is the "new word in the industry, and oh yea it works on track power transformer or other te, and battery!!!nuff said Talk to Tony and Lou (tech guy) at QSI solutions, if you have any tech questions.
Thanks one & all for your input,