Horrraaahhhh. Finally, got final approval from the D&S to run D&RGW 315 this fall.
Locomotive 315 Excursions for 2016
We plan to run the 315 on both the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (D&SNG) and the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (C&TS) this year. Here are the current plans, which are subject to changes. Check back for updates or email us at [email protected] if you have questions. Make reservations with the appropriate railroad.
Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad – August 18–20, 2016
The 315 is stored in the Silverton Northern engine house. For this event it will pull historic passenger cars on round trips from Silverton to Elk Park. Boarding will be near Blair and 12th Streets. Tickets will be available from D&SNG on their website at www.durangotrain.com and during August 19–21 at the Grande Imperial Hotel in Silverton or at the Durango Railroad Historical Society booth at the corner of Blair and 12th Streets in Silverton.
Thursday, August 18 – Photo Roundtrip to Cascade
Depart Silverton at 3:00 pm and arrive Cascade about 4:30 pm. Assemble for some photo run bys of the 315 train and enjoy a picnic (Please note there will be no concession car, but passengers can purchase food and drinks in Silverton prior to departure). Depart Cascade about 5:30 pm and arrive Silverton about 7:00 pm.
Evening photo shoot with the 315 at the D&S depot.
Tickets are $65 per adult, $32.50 per child age 16 or under (purchased along with an adult ticket).
Friday, August 19 – Photo Roundtrip to Elk Park
Depart Silverton at 10:15 am and arrive Elk Park about 11:15 am. Assemble for some photo shots as D&S trains roll by and perhaps enjoy a picnic (Please note there will be no concession car, but passengers can purchase food and drinks in Silverton prior to departure). Depart Elk Park about noon and arrive Silverton about 12:30 pm.
Tickets are $50 per adult, $25 per child age 16 or under (purchased along with an adult ticket).
Saturday, August 20 – Two Roundtrips to Elk Park
First 315 train will depart Silverton at 9:30 am and arrive Elk Park about 10:00 am. Leave Elk Park about 10:30 am and arrive Silverton about 11:00 am.
Second 315 train will depart Silverton at 4:00 pm and arrive Elk Park about 4:30 pm. Leave Elk Park about 5:00 pm and arrive Silverton about 5:30 pm.
Tickets are $30 per adult, $15 per child age 16 or under (purchased along with an adult ticket).
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad – August 27, 2016 Weekend
We will transport the 315 from Durango to Chama after running on the D&S. We are making plans to run it during the Narrow Gauge Rendezvous over the weekend of August 27. We will post details as soon as the plan is fully developed.
Hope to see some of you all this year. If you should be around, look me up, and I will give you a personal tour of 315.
Edit to correct dates: