Large Scale Central

CVSRy Over-Engineering Dept. proposes to cover Deep Cut

Dave Marconi said:
Glad it worked out for you Jon. I think I'd look to reposition that rock if you're going to run 1:20 Don't forget an alter for an Urn. :) :)
I think I'm OK. That last set of photos was the largest 1:20 stock that I have. I'm not sure a K would fit, but I'll probably never be able to afford one anyway.

If the rock has to move, Richard has the only viable answer - BLAST!!! It’s like the Titanic Iceberg, only about a 1/3 is showing.

ALright scale TnT, I want to be there. ( at a scale safe distance naturally ) :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

I’m in!

No blasting permitted, due to the sacred Urn storage area. The “Vault” has been designated as a “Branch Railroadian official cemetary”, and is NOT to be disturbed.

There is a move on to provide Jon with an official brass plate with the designation etched on it.
He is to provide a concrete base for the brass plaque. Details are being worked out as I type.
Donations are accepted towards the costs. The “Vault” is to be available to all members of the Branch Railroadian Fellowship, as they “Pass on, on their final train journey”

Contact Bart Salmons, for details. He is the official Branch Railroadian recording secretary, and treasurer. I’m just a lowely Branch Railroadian friar, and official holy water taster.

Since the rock in question resides outside the vault the “Branch Railroadian” society has no voice in the matter. An inspection was done and said rock is located 17 scale feet outside the vault grounds. BLAST away.

Fred Mills said:
[i][/i] There is a move on to provide Jon with an official brass plate with the designation etched on it. He is to provide a concrete base for the brass plaque.
Simply provide the dimensions of said plaque and the foundation will be built. I'm thinking a nice 45 degree face in the Hostsa behind the hatch :D

BTW - Space is limited so reserve yours now. Fred has Sot #1.

“Sot #1” seems such a better location designation than “Slot #1”. As in “that ole sot”. Has a little flair to it, don’t you think?

Figures you’d find that typo :smiley: Now I can’t remember if I wanted to say Spot or Slot. And I think you’ve got it a bit wrong; I do believe it’s “Olde Sod” - as in You olde SOD !!! Not to be confused what you no longer want in your lot.

Weird - It said I edited this post immediately after I posted. DID NOT!!!

At least you don’t REMEMBER editing the post!

Sod or Sot, it both sounds rather proper. I give to your editing post.