Large Scale Central

Cutting .060" & .080" styrene

David_ M = thank you for the additional information. i’ll dig into those references.

i’ve done business, and been satisfied w/ Rockler over the years.

Q: if anyone could tell me where the “like” button is, i’m not hesitant to give it a push on occasion.

Like always the like buttonlooks like a heart and is next to the icon that looks like a chain right next to it. Located in the bottom right of each reply box.


appreciate the assist


from the My Large Scale forum:

Going back to the original request, about styrene.
I just happened to come across an old Evergreen catalogue in my ‘styrene’ supply draw, and there do seem to be some similar sizes to what I think you are needing.
Not exact, but I would have thought would work for your needs.
For example:
1” x 2" in 1/12 = .083 x .166 - Evergreen have a .080 x .188
2" x 4" in 1/12 = .166 x .333 - Evergreen have a 188 x .312
2" x 6" in 1/12 = .166 x …5 - Evergreen have a .188 x …5
2" x 8" in 1/12 = .166 x …666 - Evergreen have a .188 x .625
I checked their web site and they still list them, some only in the 24" lengths.
Or do I misunderstand what you are looking for?
Merry Christmas,
David Leech, Canada"

so don’t i feel the fool -

my response?

"its a Festivus Miracle!

i never considered the 24" strips would be of a different/ wider range of sizes.

there is what i need & more readily available.

Thank You for provoking me to thought & action!"

I didn’t even think of that option as well. 24" strips vs 16" strips.

Well if you would have stated originally you wanted 2’ length I would have told you to look at evergreen. Considering what I model I have quite a bit of 24" lengths in house from them.
Also are you aware of Precision Products 1" scale plastic sheets. I don’t know if they are still around but I know they make clapboard siding sheets I still have some somewhere.