Large Scale Central

Cris Dunakin

Very sorry to hear this Ray.


I am so sorry for your loss. You gave a stirring tribute to Chris. Kathy and I have 53 and 1/2 years together, and I know that I would feel the loss as profound as you do. I will say a prayer for you and Chris.

Blessings, David Meashey

My condolences Ray, may she rest in peace

So sorry for your loss, may she RIP

Sorry for your loss Ray .


Thanks for sharing that beautiful tribute to Cris. May we all be blessed to walk our lives’ paths with one so wonderful. “Moe ika maluhia / Rest in Peace.”

  • Eric

Ray, my condolences on your loss.

I made video tribute to Cris’ life that was shown at her memorial. It’s on YouTube now if anyone would like to see it:


Thank you so much Ray for letting me get to know Cris. I watched the video and it took about 10 seconds for the tears to flow. It’s so hard to ( I can only imagine) lose a loved one much less a kindered soul mate. While my heart breaks for you and your family for your loss, you and I know that our faith promises she is in paradise. My hope, our hope, your hope is that in the Lord’s time you will be reunited with her for eternity. She is not lost, merely waiting for her best friend, pal, lover, confidant, and other half of a perfect pair to join her. Life here on earth is but a fleeting moment. You will be with your other half in the Lord’s time. Again thank you so much for letting me get to know a small sliver of the person, and joy, that you got to call your soul mate. GOD bless you and your family Ray.

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That was a great tribute and it left me teary-eyed as well and I never got the chance to meet her…
My thoughts are with you …

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Ray, you have really lead a blessed life.

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Devon said it so well , we all lost a beautiful soul and Debbie and I send all our prayers for you and your whole family

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my most sincere condolences to you and your family. I watched the video before posting which sums up Cris’s achievements and your happy life together.
Most comments have said it all, but I think that by Dave Taylor the most poignant.
When you visit the desert again I am sure she will accompany you, in spirit. as she probably loved the desert as you did.