Large Scale Central


Hi all, I have been working on the Humboldt Yards this Spring and now have all the track in place and the ballasting done. Just today I installed the passenger/freight depot with it’s covered platform. Here is an over all view looking down the yards toward the car barn and the new depot.


Last year when I built the car barn I built a 4 way swing switch to divert cars to the proper storage track. After brain-storming track plans for the Humboldt yards with Dick Smith he came up with the idea of abandoning that switch and putting in separate leads for each of the tracks. Also the possibility of converting one or two of the tracks to some kind of passenger depot area for added operation. The more I thought about it the better the idea seemed, damn I hate to admit that :slight_smile: :). So,anyway, here are the results.

A view inside the platform area. The detail level is low because this is basically a background model but we will add a little platform clutter as time goes by.

Down at the far end of the yard I put in a 3 lead turntable, again we are after function not necessarily scale fidelity. Dick, I told you i was going to steal this idea :).

Thanks for taking a look

Your trackwork is beautiful, Rick, and those structures bespeak fine craftsmanship. I really like the doors on the carbarn and the idea of open arches in front of the platform - I’ll bear that in mind as a way of telling whether a spot inside a building is occupied. You don’t see that kind of architecture up here - too cold! I just built a single-track carbarn with no opening in the side, but now I think I’m going to have to make at least one opening so I can see what’s going on in there.

The turntable looks like a nifty space-saver. Those are sliding locks on each track, I’m guessing… Have you got track power on it somehow?

I’m building a yard myself - up on an elevated base similar to yours. The weather up here has only in the past week or so finally got warm, windless and dry enough for me to get on with it.

Your yard is very neat, thanks for posting these inspiring pix!

What JLF said and I like the way you did the planter boxes.
I tried some spruces in a small planter box last winter and the didn’t make it. The nursery told me that more than likely the roots froze.

Wow Rick, when you take an idea and run with it you always raise it several notches at the same time. Beautiful work for sure. The depot came out great!

As to the turntable you “stole” from me I stole it from Dave Goodson and in addition saw an example on fellow thief Fr. Fred’s IPP&W as well. That makes you a 3rd generation thief. :wink: Gad, we’ll all be hung like horse thieves one day. :slight_smile: :smiley:

Wonderful job as always. Thanks for the inspiring pix.

I always enjoy seeing pix of your layout, Rick…keep’em comin…:wink:

Thats really nifty.

Very nice Rick. The idea to make the car barn doors a single removable piece is nifty too. Allows easy access by a giant arm :slight_smile:

I like the planter boxes as well, but all I can get away with are annuals, because of the root freeze. Still, it is vegetation. Forgetmenots, anyone?

Steve Featherkile said:
I like the planter boxes as well, but all I can get away with are annuals, because of the root freeze. Still, it is vegetation. Forgetmenots, anyone?
I've got a feeling it's getting near time for me to tell you abut some of my other superwinning anti-weed tactics. Don't let me forget!

Just don’t overshoot the turntable!


Richard Smith said:
As to the turntable you "stole" from me I stole it from Dave Goodson and in addition saw an example on fellow thief Fr. Fred's IPP&W as well. That makes you a 3rd generation thief. ;) Gad, we'll all be hung like horse thieves one day. :) :D
Not horse thieves, but train robbers.

I too enjoyed the pics.

Caddo Mills, TX

ummmmmm you do know your missin half your turntable rite? :slight_smile:

Looks great.

Nice pictures Rick, I love your yard area and car barns. I think I may be moving closer to doing what you and Richard have done with your railroads. Looks like another knee surgery coming up so I won’t be getting down on my knee’s anymore.


Thanks for the comments guys.

Yes, the TT design is a real space saver. They are slide locks on each track. There is no track power on this section of the layout, all battery or wind-up :).

Yea, overshooting the TT can/will be a problem until I get the guard rails built and installed.

Yes, the raised railroad definitely eases the stress on old joints, after you get it built that is :wink: :slight_smile:

Thanks everybody.

Rick that looks great. I think its time for another video.

Very nice!

Really nice!