Large Scale Central

CN will run ex-KPR

KPR folded in July, CN will resume service either November or December, no firm date yet.

One of the guys on got some good picture of CN’s engineering RDC “prowling” the line.

When I picked up BFRs yesterday I got a good look at a lot of orange paint along the line, but I had to get the BFRs home (before they melt) and didn’t have my camera along. Casual observattion would have me guess at 1 in 4 or 5 ties in serviceable condition, the rest is junk.

CN won’t run the leg down to Kelowna i.e. the line that “features” in our webcam shot. Industries in Kelowna are not pleased.

I’m looking forward to shooting video of the first CN train back in the Valley.


Is this the first time that CN has taken back a branchline? Could it be that the Class I’s are starting to begin to realize the importance of branchline traffic? Or do you think CN was forced to provide service because the shortline folded?


I don’t know if this is a first. The line was leased by KPR, they didn’t live up to the contract — MoW and several other items, like paying taxes. Since KPR was feeding from and to the CN Kamloops yard, CN must have very good data as far as traffic goes.

In Canadian law there’s a stipulation that shippers who are served by rail have a right to get served and the railways an obligation to serve.

KPR filed for discontinuance at the time they went into bankruptcy, CN will not service existing shippers between Lumby Jct and Kelowna. I have a feeling that the section going down to Kelowna would require even more remedial work than the rest; CN claims there is not enough traffic.

Since we used to see the trains (from our home office) go to and come from Kelowna, we know that there was a lot of traffic from down there.

Since CN owns the line they had not much choice, find another shortline operator AND fix the infra structure; fix it and run the service or file for discontinuance and try to the weather all the political heat - every last MP along the line belongs to the governing Conservative Party.

Okay. Sounds like the CN is trying to justify the abandonment of the section down by your house. So KPR leased the RR from CN but failed to live up to the lease agreements, so CN had the responsibly to continue to serve the customers.

The BNSF had a branch that had a decent amount of traffic, but they slowly ran off the local traffic, then they could justify abandoning the branch.

Since I don’t know much about CN and CP. Are all the ROW of the CN and CP considered “private” or is it owned by the government, but leased to CN and CP? Just curious?

Both CP and CN are private companies. CP always was, CN used to be a Crown Corporation - a quasi government entity run at arms length - but was privatized in 1995. Both own their ROW.

Thanks HJ