A little follow up to this story.
A reporter for the local news paper did a story on our display at the Mall, front page coverage by the way, so our club sent a thankyou note and this was her reply,
The poem is pretty cleverly done.
The pleasure was all mine.
There was so much more interesting and fun information I could’ve included but I was limited on space. And yes! Our photographer Julie is great!
This is kind of silly, but I wrote a little poem…it’s too late for now…but I thought I’d send it to you…change it use it, do whatever you want with it if it will help promote the railroad club. 
Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
The stockings still hung, now filled only with air
Emptied of proof that St. Nicholas really was there
The children were listless, they’d laid down their sleds
Dreaming of white christmas was all in their heads
And mamma with her Iphone, and I in my cap
Were searching the internet, ‘stead of taking a nap
“Read a book, take a walk, something - it doesn’t matter!”
When from the front porch there arose such a clatter
It was our Daily Courier, tossed in a hurry
How to entertain the kids, now wasn’t a worry!
We were excited, despite no new-fallen snow
We saw the photo and read the story below.
And what to our wondering eyes did appear?
But a miniature train with a caboose in the rear!
It whistles, smoke billows, it clicks and it clacks
The tiny train was shown rushing right down the tracks.
It passed houses and people, all equally small;
And it all could be seen at the Rogue Valley Mall!
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So out to the car, our family, we flew;
With eager hearts and smiles on faces, too.
And then, in a twinkling, we were walking the mall,
Past shiny baubles and gifts filling each stall.
We walked in the room and started turning around
at train displays filled with movement, color and sound!
There were trains and more at every corner we’d round;
Every forest and town, from the top to the bottom —
If someone said they were bored here, we’d have fought ‘em!
We looked and we marveled, we oohed and were awed,
We didn’t see Santa, (the day after Christmas would be odd),
But we spent time together, not just screens melting our brains
And spent the day with no cost, no fuss, and no great pains.
Thank you Medford Garden Railroaders Club! Thank you Rogue Valley Mall!
Thank you, Santa and The Daily Courier, most of all!
That’s what we hollered as we drove away from the mall —
Happy Day-After-Christmas to all, and Happy New Year to all!