Large Scale Central

Chat room

Is the chat available yet, or am I just not doing the magic needed to be accepted…or am I banned…!! ?

You should be able to click on the Chatroom link in the menu, at the end, next to “Calendar”. That will launch you into the chatroom.

If you get a blank screen or a “private chat” message, refresh the page like the message says:

NOTE: If you get a blank page or a “This chat-room is for private users only” message, you will need to refresh the page.

freddyFred Mills.


Is the chat available yet, or am I just not doing the magic needed to be accepted…or am I banned…!! ?

I’ll login tonight to see if you made the journey as we need more chatters !

Anyway to get help on how to use this site on were to go? To see what anything is doing ? Any instruction on how to work it? . A few of us here are having the same questions that i get e-mail on my mail. Maybe we have old site short cuts.
Noel in West coast.

oops wrong place i think (delete it .)

Hi Fred… are u able to see this? Old guys on sest coast lost on where to get help. Noel

We see it Pap and it’s all good