Large Scale Central

Challenge 2 vote

Even though you didn’t finish in time, we still expect to see a builders log :wink:

Ya Doug were is the build log. Done or not lets see what you have. :slight_smile:

I was going to. I’ll get some more pictures and add to the one I started earlier.
The maintenance crew could have used a crane this week after we had a minor derailment. Guess that’ll be the next project!
Did MOW cars use a numbering system separate from regular passenger and freight?

Yes Doug, generally MOW equipment had a different numbering system from regular rolling stock. On the D&RGW some used letters, as the rotary snow plows were OM and OY. The derricks were OP and OA. Rolling stock taken from regular use retained its original number but usually had a 0 placed in front of it. For example the tender car for derrick OP was flat car 6063. When it became the tender car it was renumbered 06063. Other railroads used other methods and of course methods changed over time. Can be very confusing.

Thanks Ron. Since my railroad is influenced by the D&RGW I’ll have to come up with a number (letter) for it!

The vote will end next Sunday, the 11th. Votes will be tabulated Monday the 12th.
So get your votes in and show those who participated you appreciate their efforts.

Ralph Berg said:
Ralph Berg said:
They are all bumped to the top of the Modeling forum with pictures. Ralph
Don't forget to go through the Challenge 2 building logs in the Modeling forum and vote for your top 3 favorites here. Ralph
One more day to vote. Ralph

Tomorrow iz my birfday… can’t I have at least one pity vote?

Happy Birthday tomorrow!! Regal

Happy Birthday Mik

Happy birthday Mik. Run trains on the new line!

Happy Birthday, Mik.

Last day to vote. We don’t have a lot of people who have voted, besides those that participated.