Large Scale Central

CDS dry transfer lettering

Apparently, Ozark Minitures has purchased CDS Lettering, lock stock and barrel, and intends to start producing dry transfers and decals. A fully loaded truck, with all existing stock, and draftings, left here for Utah last week…it’s a done deal.

You read it first here on Large Scale Central

The word is that they intend to produce all decals and dry transfers inhouse…


I’ve been paying $85.00 for custom 8.5x11 one color sheets. You can get a lot on one sheet but you need to use care when applying small transfers. How did past CDS sheets compare? From what I’ve been able to find it looks like roughly $15.00/car…Is that correct?

I forget what I was paying per sheet, but then I was able to go right into their inventory and pick what I wanted…I live about a mile from Tom’s home and office…!!

They also bought Larry Larson’s stuff. Should be good to have dry transfers available again. I use a printer up in Vancouver for my custom stuff; costs me around $50 - $60 for a 9 x 12 sheet depending on the exchange rate. (Used to be really good. Last time I did it, it was nearly even!) Well worth the cost to not have to deal with decals, in my opinion.



this is definatly good news, i thought i had heard this was going to happen a cople of years ago, maybe it took that long to negotiate the deal. hopefully will ramp up production of the long unavalible 1:20.3 d&rgw/rgs sets

I hope by lock-stock it is not just the large scale stuff but the H0/0 CDS line also? Thanks!

Sounds interesting.

I hope they produce the long out of production D&RGW dry transfers.

I’ve used several CDS dry transfers over the years, but the supply has dwindled down considerably. Most of the good sets are sold out.

Hope to see these available once again.

NICE! Cant wait. Im just about out of my original CDS number sheets…

Matt said:
Sounds interesting.

I hope they produce the long out of production D&RGW dry transfers.

I’ve used several CDS dry transfers over the years, but the supply has dwindled down considerably. Most of the good sets are sold out.

Hope to see these available once again.

According to Fred, Tom Hood stopped making them a few years back and has just been selling off his inventory.

I’ll probably be in the market for a few sheets since I have a few cars that need to be renumbered.

I’m going for the Vancouver source. Thanks for the info Kevin!!

That’s the “no compromise” solution for me, design the artwork and have it done up. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Larry Larsen made my graphics for my streamliners I built about 20 years ago, which I have since re-painted. Still have some, wonder if they still work?

This is very good news indeed, And like the rest of you, I also hope that D&RGW, RGS, C&S dry Transfers and made in 1:20 and 1:24 scale. I have a lot of Rolling stock that is need of lettering.