Large Scale Central

Catching bandits red handed

I was wondering what was eating the cat food we leave out for our two barn cats.
I bought a infared game camera and set it up.
The food was discovered by a band of robbers.
Seems they can’t get along with each other.


that is something I have never had to contend with. My parents have had many run in with them. Mom kept losing koi and gold fish and then discovered the coons were fishing them out of the pond.

I have heard recently racoons have been humorously called Trash Pandas.

Urbanisation of wildlife in Australia has resulted 2 very different species of Bin Chickens taking over neighbourhoods, the traditional Ibis and most recently, the sulphur crested cockatoo.

They’re all quite clever.

At least they are tidy.
Coons, dogs, bears tip them over and spread the trash all over the neighborhood. :grinning: