Some of the members of the OVGRS (Ottawa Valley Garden Railroad Society) that operated on the IPP&WRR (Ironwood Peter’s Pond & Western) are traveling through Carlyle, Illinois in September with a stop over on their way to Marty Cozad’s. Besides some Southern Illinois hospitality, a Bar-B-Q, and some tourism in St. Louis, we are planning one or two evenings of ops sessions on th KVRwy. The pressures on. We hope to get some of the GGRC (Gateway Garden Railroad Club) members to join us, but we have never tried a midweek, evening ops. The GGRC is quite a spred out group, with many of the members living 50 miles away and some living over 100 miles from Carlyle. We’ll have to see how much we can put together. As posted earlier, we always has things to do, to improve the ops between sessions. One of the big projects was an additional siding inside the basement on the Southern Branch. This would eliminate bottlenecks and also allow for a limited ops session in the basement during bad weather or when I want to mess around by myself in the cold of winter or, as now, in the heat of summer. This is the Southern Branch -
In the above picture, if you look hard at the right middle of the picture, you can see the plug where the track goes to the outdoors through a baesment window. Here it is from the other direction -
If you look in the upper middle of the picture along the left border, you can see the wye, that the new Southern Interchange track will bypass. These are old pictures of where the new track and plywood framing will go. The heat is on, 93 degrees at 6pm, Sunday evening and expected to hit 100 degrees in the next couple of days. The new plywood framing is complete and was lifted into place today. Its screwed, glued and braced enough to remove all clamps, but some additional bracing will be put in before roadbed and track are started. If this temp stays like this, a lot will be completed this next week. New pictures will be posted shortly. (I have to put in a disclaimer for Jan - she says she wants everyone to know that I am responsible for cleaning the train areas in the basement if I’m going to broaadcast these pictures to the world of the internet. Consider that now done and I can go back to enjoying my shop and what’s in it. To complete this project, all that has been purchased is a 4 x 8 sheet of 1/2 inch plywood.)