Shawn said:
Dennis Paulson said:
WOW , that is a beautiful little loco , why can’t some mfr make something really useful to everyone like this loco . Of course the exhaust stacks could be left off and a pole for electric overhead operation installed : } You are so lucly Rick . [url](
That is great looking boxcab and the sounds are awsome. I had the pleasure to see it on the Kittatinny Mt RR today. Ric and his wife stopped by today. It was pleasure to have him and his wife over.
We had a wonderful chance to stop by Shawn’s railroad. A couple of pictures of proof of the visit as the buggy rolled in to town. Jan jumped off to take the picture.
and then climbed higher up the mountain to get an overall shot as we ran the line.
Don’t let the neighborhood fool you. Shawn and his family have a beautiful homestead and were most gracious to allow us to invade their property.