Hi everyone,
So I’m using a Mylocosound card for a while, but I’ve been unhappy with it’s lack of a Master volume control. (And from what I understand is not possible to programe or necessary to most at thos point in time.)
The volumes can be changed, but you need to do it for each seperate sounds like static hissing, whistle, and bell.
Which to me is a little time comsuming and hard to keep sounds at reasonable levels each time I need to change.
What I was thinking was maybe adding a potentiometer somewhere along the speaker cable line to manual change the volume down.
[I found this diagram via google to demonstraight my question]
Considdering that I have no clue on electronics, I’m worried that this might not be a good idea.
I know there are things like watts, ohms and such to think about, but the maths confuses me.
And if it does work, what size of pot would I need in terms of K, ohms or such?
I am using an 8 ohm - 5 watt speaker if it helps.
Any advice would be highly gratful