Since I had the locomotive all apart for a RailPro installation,( see my post in the Power and Sound forum, I don’t know how to copy a link) Im lucky I can do this much!!! and I bought it probably a year ago, I figured now is the best time to install the CamPac boxes and make this locomotive a KaDee coupler model, not a USA coupler . I didnt think to take pictures during the install, but is went well. Only issue I had was the front and backsteps had been glued on so I had to do some hunting to find an old saw I knew was somewhere in the garage that I could get around the steps to cut the notch to fit the adapter. I found it, in the shed in the back yard, after an hour or so. Cutting complete the actual installation of the box and the plates under the trucks went just as shown on Ted Doskaris’s guide. Very thorough and well photographed.
Im ok with the slight color difference in the gray filler piece that comes with the kit.
Ted’s instructions mention you migh have to install a couple of shims under the back side of the box, so just to be safe I did and the couplers fit and match up to the KaDee guide coupleer perfectly. One locomotive converted , 1GP38 a F3 A&B and probably the dash 9 to go.