Large Scale Central

Calling TOC-Bachmann K-27


If I understand correctly, Bachmann will not pay for return shipping–I see no reason to pay for shipping a 4x3x1 foot box weighing fifty pounds back to them at my own cost. That’ll eliminate any savings I have from buying locally, and I honestly don’t have any cash to spare even for that. Oops?

And sorry Geoff, was referring to George Lucas. I guess the average age of this forum isn’t right for my obscure Star Wars jokes? :slight_smile:

Robbie Hanson said:

If I understand correctly, Bachmann will not pay for return shipping–I see no reason to pay for shipping a 4x3x1 foot box weighing fifty pounds back to them at my own cost. That’ll eliminate any savings I have from buying locally, and I honestly don’t have any cash to spare even for that.

I guess you have two options.

  1. Wait until you can afford to ship the locomotive.
  2. Take it apart yourself and figure out what parts it needs. But then the Bachmann will charge you for the parts.