OK so this is a mine in British Columbia on Kootenay Lake Between Nelson and Kaslo near Ainsworth Hot Springs. I can’ not seem to get an information on it other than it sits behind this little restaurant that I don’t think is even open anymore. But I want to model this mine. I love the building and it is a great little mine for the indoor. But I am trying to figure out what its purpose is. They type of mine and what the actual structure is for. I believe it is where the Kaslo-Slocun RR went and this probably was a siding and the building is the ore bin were ore was brought out of the mountain and dumped in here and then dumped into gondolas or some other such car. The long covered thing going into the mountain I believe is the tram. There are tram buckets there. Also a chute is seen toward the bottom. I don’t believe this is a vertical shaft mine but rather a horizontal deal. there is no evidence of any hoist mechanism. Any ideas on this. either way I will make it what I want but I am curious if people, by looking at it, can determine what is happening.
I am trying to track down info on it. Wish i would have thought about this for the MIK challenge