Marvin said:
I was wondering how many of the readers (users) of LSC use a computer drawing software package to help themselves in the hobby?
and if so the type of CAD software, ie Acad, corell draw...?
If a stock pile of drawings could be compiled for users shareing a common hobby there would be less time drawing & measuring and more time modeling.
it’s just a thought & I like your thoughts or sugestions.
What I “forgot” to mention … I do layout planning as part of the services Eastern Mountain Models Ltd. offers, the track plans are done in CADrail, the scenic features in COREL PhotoPaint.
Apart from plans for customers (they provide all the room/space dimensions, restrictions etc.), I also do plans for magazines, complete with the “method behind the madness” write-ups.
BTW your idea of a library is very good; if we get such a library here, I’ll be contributing!
Occasionally I also provide track libraries (various different mfgs components) to/for CADrail. Sharing is part of the hobby!