Good news, Caboose Hobbies replied directly on the Model Railroader forum addressing the move, the full context of that message as follows:
"…Caboose Hobbies
July 18 at 12:59pm ·
Hello everyone!
Caboose Hobbies has NOT announced they are closing in any way. Caboose Hobbies rumors and speculation abound on the internet. Don’t believe anything you see on the internet forums. It is pure speculation.
Yes, the land lord is selling the property and building that Caboose Hobbies leases. The land lord notified us Wed. last week as per our lease agreement with them.
We just don’t know… The Miller’s (the owners of Caboose Hobbies) are looking at new store location possibilities around the Denver Metro area.
Pre-reservations: are still good and will be. If needed they will be transferred to the manufacturer directly or another distributor, hobby store, dealer etc. We are still taking Pre-order reservations (any project to be released in the future). We are not taking back orders or special orders for projects already released.
Instead of following the hype, why not purchase something to support Caboose Hobbies?
The good news is we are having a HUGE sale! See our website for full details!
And thank you for your loyal support!.."