Large Scale Central

Burke Rebuild

Howdy folks

Those of you that have operated here know that Burke is both the oldest benchwork I have, and also put together, shall we say, with less-than-optimum materials (read: salvaged deck bits and scrounged cinder blocks). The yard layout itself was also less than optimum for the space, and the aisle-ways were crowded.

Since I need a hard deadline to actually get things done, Ive decided to rip out Burke, and rebuild it. First step was to remove the track and dismantle the benchwork. I accomplished that this past weekend.

A run to Lowes provided me with a bunch of deck blocks for footings, and enough new PT lumber to build nice solid benchwork. It’s been raining the last couple of days, so no progress since then, but this weekend looks good.

I’m also pondering changing the code 215 NS for regular code 250 rail, to match the rest of my railroad, but not sure if I can pull that off before TrainOps.

Do you have a track plan in mind?

Funny how that works. What seems like a half decent plan on paper turns out not so decent once you start using it. And with 20 different people involved you get 20 different opinions…:wink:

I’ve started using the Switch Crafters 250 aluminum weathered rail. It seems to be a bit more robust then the Llagos or Micro engineering 250 alum. It also fits more snug in the Accucraft Narrow Gauge tie strips…:wink:

I’m going for simple, something like the track at “Douglas” on the OVGRS. Simple runaround and 3 or 4 stub tracks, with a couple industries.

Yes, it’s been raining here a lot in Western, NY. I got a loop of track down just in time to beat the rain. My garage dig keeps filling with water. Maybe we’ll get a break and go back to the drought before this?

Got to take advantage of any minute that’s good!!!

Bob, be neat to watch your progress…

Andy Clarke said:

Bob, be neat to watch your progress…

You might as well cause you don’t do anything else dad!

OK Bob nice weather today

We better see some pics of the bench work!!

David Russell said:

Andy Clarke said:

Bob, be neat to watch your progress…

You might as well cause you don’t do anything else dad!

Impertinent sprout! Time to pluck a few tail feathers

I thought switch crafters 250 was micro engineering? Learn something new everyday…

Bob, what’s your timeline to get it done?

Terry, Bob has an Ops weekend scheduled on 16-18 august, so I would assume that’s the drop-dead date to have it completed…

Boy Bob, You are taking on a big project. I through I was trying to get stuff done with all of the thing here for our group train run but, that’s a hole area to rebuild there. Wow.

Keep posting the progress. Like to see what goes on the other side of Big Mt. Range besides a lot of wet stuff there.

I keep my work simple. I’m realigning 30 feet of track and changing the town around. And adding a trolley line down one street!

I should be able to get the framing done this weekend. I have the deck blocks in place, and everything measured; just need to cut and assemble. Hopefully tomorrow Ill have the major bits done, ready for decking. If so, I can do that Sunday.

John Morrison (local GR contributor) had a tree fall across his upper yard. Like yours, non-optimal construction. Old fenceboards slathered with paint, 2X4 legs. Really bad, he just didn’t know it.

Got a construction crew (two fellow garden railroaders who do that), built this deck that’s level, 3’ high at one end, over 4-1/2 feet at the other…you can hold a barn dance on it.

Pressure treated, including the 4X4 post legs in concrete.

But the neat bit is he covered it with charcoal gray roll roofing before he put the track down.

Free ground cover, the look of ballast (which he later glued ballast to around the ties), and it flat sheds water.

I’ve got a couple of spots I’d like to do roll roofing someday.


Taking a break for lunch. Here’s today’s progress so far.

Major part of the benchwork built, leveled, and in final position. Working on attaching it to the 4x4 posts.



Wow, some nice progress…

Hmmmmm all I’m doing is rolling around BFRs…

Finished up the framing today. Tomorrow I need to go get the decking (about 30 8-foot pieces, I estimate), and get it started…





What kind of waterproofong are you using on the exposed wood?


That’s looking great Bob…gonna be a great improvement…

You have had a productive day…(unlike some of us who just sat around the beer fridge) :wink: