Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

John Caughey said:


Focus is what a camera does, I’ve pretty much given up on yours… How can you focus on a gazillion things at once?

yer bud,


When I view the world it kinda looks like this

Hmmm … Devon that explains a lot!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Hmmm … Devon that explains a lot!

Only problem is the fly sees the same object from many lenses. i wish I had that much focus. For me each lens is looking at something different. And just think you only see the parts that are looking a trains. Only imagine for a second all the other things I might possibly be involved in. Its scary being me.

Devon this is how my eyes see you! (

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Devon this is how my eyes see you! (

yeah thats about right. I am going a million miles an hour in my mind and paralyzed with inaction.

I have to take a serious moment here to defend myself. I am not really as scattered brained as I seem or lead on to be. You guys see my release from reality and in that i am not focused and I don’t want to be. I (like everyone else) have a career I am focused on. I am a full time grad student with a 3.6 GPA, I am laser focused on my studies. I volunteer in ministry and I am devoted and focused on that. Not to mention I have kids at home that demand my focus. I have so much focus that I need my train hobby as a release from that tension. I am not complaining, I love my life, and i love all the things I am involved in. Many of those things require focus, trains doesn’t. I like being able to jump around. It does my mind good to just relax and do what i want when I want with no expectations.

OK enough of that serious BS, please return to the flaming. I enjoy that also. (

Devon Sinsley said:


There is no protecting me from the voices in my head. I mean I am crazy. . . let’s take a look at me I am 46 years old and I decided to go back to school and am going to spend thousands to build a toy train in my yard. I am beyond help.

Focus what’s that, I think I read about it in one of my books, it’s kinda like a unicorn, a myth that doesn’t exist.

But I do appreciate the friendly badgering. If nothing else I have to finish it to avoid having the buzzards pick the flesh from my dead ideas.

I went to PA school at Stanford, built a 0 gauge layout, and participated in bicycle time trials at the age of 46, so don’t worry about it, you are fine. BTW, I had to chase a herd of unicorns off my layout, yesterday. I know the voices in my head aren’t real, but they do come up with some great ideas, from time to time.


Your not very reassuring, I have spent a weekend with you, i know your crazy.


I can really appreciate how dedicated you are to the things in your life that are really important – family, faith, career, education, etc. Like you, I also use trains and gardening as an outlet where I don’t have to focus in too tightly on the details. I can jump from layout project to project as I fancy. My interests can and do change on a moment’s notice. I do have an end goal in mind, but it can be a little bit fuzzy at times.

I have twenty plus years on you, so I know I won’t have enough time to do all of the things I would like to do … but I can do some of those things. If I could be so bold as to offer you one little piece of advice, it’s this old saying:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did.”


Bob Hyman said:


I can really appreciate how dedicated you are to the things in your life that are really important – family, faith, career, education, etc. Like you, I also use trains and gardening as an outlet where I don’t have to focus in too tightly on the details. I can jump from layout project to project as I fancy. My interests can and do change on a moment’s notice. I do have an end goal in mind, but it can be a little bit fuzzy at times.

I have twenty plus years on you, so I know I won’t have enough time to do all of the things I would like to do … but I can do some of those things. If I could be so bold as to offer you one little piece of advice, it’s this old saying:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did.”



That is great advice and the reason I am focused on the things I have chosen to be focused on. At the end of the day I know things will be left undone, thats a given. I believe that if we were to leave this temporal world with all or projects done then at some point we would have stopped living when we completed them. I never want to run out of dreams and project. I am content to leave many of them on the table. What I don’t want to regret are the projects that matter the most to me. I don’t want to loose focus on my kids until they are sustainable adults, I don’t want to lose focus on my education until its is completed ( 7 months and counting) which is in turn feeding my faith calling. I don’t want to lose focus on my career until the times comes that project is completed (16 years and counting), I don’t want to lose focus on my wife. So if I have to leave a train project on the table because I lost focus on it I think I will still be able to look back on my life with no regrets. Sure I want to get them done but not at the cost of the important things or my sanity. It took me all last year to realize that some things are OK to leave undone until later. I was way to stressed out a year and a half ago thinking I needed, I had to, get everything (whatever everything is) done now. I am much more relaxed in the realization that I am doing OK and not everything is a “need to complete” project.

Tsk Tsk … Openly talking heresy! I will pray for you my son…

We are a train forum and all that static is too likely to send you down the wrong track.

Watch the track ahead and don’t let any outsiders send you through an outletter*.

Be brave lad, we have the Faith, Wooo Woo - woooooooooooo!

  • Maynard can explain the term.

The Preacher’s kid,


John Caughey said:

Tsk Tsk … Openly talking heresy! I will pray for you my son…

We are a train forum and all that static is too likely to send you down the wrong track.

Watch the track ahead and don’t let any outsiders send you through an outletter*.

Be brave lad, we have the Faith, Wooo Woo - woooooooooooo!

  • Maynard can explain the term.

The Preacher’s kid,


I know right !!! Boy did I get going deep down a wrong road. ( for all that crazy talk

Devon Sinsley said:


There is no protecting me from the voices in my head. I mean I am crazy. . . let’s take a look at me I am 46 years old and I decided to go back to school and am going to spend thousands to build a toy train in my yard. I am beyond help.

Devon, I enjoy my insanity. I helps keep me from loosing my sanity at my job.

Steve Featherkile said:

I know the voices in my head aren’t real, but they do come up with some great ideas, from time to time.

Steve. yours may not be real, but mine are. And we have some interesting conversations on my long drives. Tomorrow I am driving to Erie again. Once I get through Pittsburgh, it will be time for me to cue up them voices and start the debate all over again.

talking to yourself is not insanity, even arguing with yourself is not insanity, but if you let yourself win then your in trouble.

Devon, when myself and I really get into a heated argument, its up to me to break it up. Different sides win arguments at different times. Fortunately, it has never escalated into fisticuffs, but there have been some bused feelings. I wouldn’t talk to myself for a while there, because of bused feelings. I would talk to me, but not myself.

But we are all friends again. We even went out for ice creme on the way home yesterday.

David Maynard said:

Devon, when myself and I really get into a heated argument, its up to me to break it up. Different sides win arguments at different times. Fortunately, it has never escalated into fisticuffs, but there have been some bused feelings. I wouldn’t talk to myself for a while there, because of bused feelings. I would talk to me, but not myself.

But we are all friends again. We even went out for ice creme on the way home yesterday.

Well I am glad the three of you are friends. I would hate to be me. . .er you. . um yeah me, and have to be in the middle of Myself and I fighting when your friends with both. Sucks to be the middle man. Did both I and Myself expect Me to be their friend and shun the other. Hate that

Ok now lets get back on track!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Any pics of the Cabinet yet?


You will get points for your official napkin drawings for the cabinet !(

Now that I am learning to use Sketchup I think you will see more digital napkins in my future.

This weekend will be a honey do weekend as my daughter’s graduation party is Sunday and the wife has a lot she wants done. After this weened is over i will be able to get back after the layout. Until the money rolls in for the major construction I will be able to run the conduit and start attaching the furing strips to the house for the new insulation and siding. Small output of cash put large gains in progress. In about two weeks I expect o be able to have the money I need to purchase all the siding, ladder materials, and track.

Its starting to feel as if I might really be doing it.

Devon, yes life has a habit of getting in the way. That’s why we keep prodding you, so that life doesn’t stop the railroad’s construction indefinitely.