Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

" Rooster " said:

Devon is doing rock these days?

I have done so much rock these past few week I am beginning to think I need a 12 step program


Are you going to put in a gate were the wheel barrow is?

You could have a duck under @ that gate/end. Just a thought.

Layout is looking great Devon , how many times have you pinched your fingers/hand between rocks? (

Where that wheelbarrow is, is a fence panel. I just am taking it in an out for construction. There won’t be permanent access there.

And I have squished a digit a few times. I have a thing against gloves so my hands are pretty much hamburger.

Back corner. This will be Nine Mile Creek coming down into the town of Wallace; which is the flat area being formed in the foreground. I will be planting a “forest” in that back corner which will consist of Alberta Spruce and junipers. You can’t really see it but there is a small pool in the corner that will then cascade into a little larger pool.

Here is the last of the rock wall going in. I feel the end f the heavy lifting coming (well not really I am putting in a mountain in the lower loop, but that may wait).

Devon, I think I may have to go take a pill to lessen the pain in my back just from looking at all the dirt and rock you are moving.

Where are you getting all that fill dirt from? Is there now a giant hole on the other side of your property?

Trust me when I say I need to go back to work so I can rest. I am one very tired, sore, bruised, sun burnt (finally had the first real sunny day) person. I have access to all the fill dirt I would ever need through my work. Fortunately on that end I am able to load it with a backhoe and deliver it with a 5 yard dump truck. 5 yards at a time is about perfect. I am able to dump it next to the street where I have a parking area. From there the fun begins. I have to shovel it into a wheelbarrow and push that up a little hill and into the side yard to dump it. Much of that then needs to be shoveled again to where it needs to go. Just the section I have been working on has take 15 yards of fill. All told I have moved about 20 yards of dirt. I can’t even begin to guess at the amount of rock. It has been a back breaking adventure. But this week off has been very productive. With the completion of the wall hopefully this weekend I will have a little tiny bit of ladder to build and figure out what I want to do for the bench work in the corner and build that. Then I will be ready for track laying.

Today it is raining. And that may be a blessing in disguise as I need a break. I am going to get the pond liner for the lower pool and I got my stuff from switchcrafters to rebuild the switches I got from Bob. So I may rest a bit and work on those. But if it does let up I will be back outside, ugh.

Edit to say that I have had some help in moving the dirt. I have hired my son and his friend to help me and they have moved a fair amount of it. I also had my future son-in-law help me one day. That has been nice.

Hey bud, it’s looking good.

I hope you have a digital level are are checking your grades as you go. It’s deceiving looking down compared to from the side with our smaller scales.

I just went over one grade I ‘thought’ was wired in, dropped 8’ of track an inch to follow my grade restrictions. I just need to adjust a plank, while you must move earth!

Are we having fun yet?



All of the grades were shot in using a laser level checking every 6 feet. I am running 3%.

Looking good Devon. I can’t wait to come over and run. I can see my CR&N mogul and passenger train running just fine.

Well the heavy work is done (except I will at some point build another mountain). All the rock wall is in and back filled. As it settles dirt will need to be added but I can call this part complete. This is what I wanted to get done on my vacation and I did it.

I also got the basic water feature done. I still need to add the rock in the stream and dress it up of course.

It is a small and humble little water fall but it will add a touch of movement to the thing. Next on the list is to finish the last little bit of bench work and ladder and then start laying gravel in the paths and add crushed fines around the ladder. This is accomplished in one process. I buy crushed basalt and sift it through a 1/4" mesh screen. The big stuff fill the walks and the fines goes to the ladder. So those two things are the next priority.


Wow, that’s a lot of rocks/dirt you have moved! Super progress. I particularly like that rock you have sitting “on edge” across the track from the waterfall. It will make a nice view break as your train comes around the bend.


We have created a true railroad tycoon!

Awesome Devon Buddy…keep the updates coming!

It’s looking great Devon. You will be running trains real soon! (

Before page 60?

David Maynard said:

Before page 60?

Well I have little to no control over that. I have made no statement to that effect. That would depend soley on the number of other people posting and the nature of their posts.

so on that great facebook picture by your friendly neighborhood sniper, where are you at on the railroad?? Awesome progress buddy it’s coming along real quickly


Any updates? (

Yea, inquiring Butt Modelers wanna know.

Bob Hyman said:


The tunnel is a nice addition. I guess the fantastic drone video from Ray got you thinking. Just a bit of advice … don’t try to build a layout like Ray’s. No one can. Not even Ray. I heard he had aliens build his. Same little guys that built the pyramids. Maybe you can hire them to do your rock work too.


Ok I hate to go off topic here( sarcasm font ) But where is the drone video you are talking about Ray?

Back on topic. Great progress Devon keep it going and trains will be rolling soon.