Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Dan DeVoto said:


Don’t put Hand Laid Track out there for Devon to mull over. His finish date could jump to July 2027!

He has to start first!

Sean McGillicuddy said: He has to start first!

Dan DeVoto said:


Don’t put Hand Laid Track out there for Devon to mull over. His finish date could jump to July 2027!

Good point, Sean

Dan DeVoto said:


Don’t put Hand Laid Track out there for Devon to mull over. His finish date could jump to July 2027!

Oh Lord, another one has joined in. (

You know what would be fun. To just go silent . . . and then pop up next July after a year of silence and show pictures of a RR. That would teach all of you’in to pick on me. lol

You guys are lucky I have a thick skin, a self-deprecating sense of humor, and no other friends to hang out with. Otherwise I might take my toys and go somewhere else.(

Buck up youngster, you asked to join this group, y’know.

You go silent? That’s funny!

Yer bud,


Devon, and that there is why I (usually) don’t post anything about my projects until they are done, or nearly done. I don’t need some “member” pestering me about when I am going to finish such and such. The only recent exception to that, was the saw mill rebuild, because I knew that was one project I would keep hammering away at till it was done.

And may I remind you, Sir, that you started this railroad build thread. A thread that is now 19 pages long with no railroad building in it yet. And you called some of us “butt modelers”, and even crowned me “King Butt Modeler”. So I started a rebuttal thread about my butt modeling. Mine is a 9 page thread, with more railroad building then your 19 page thread. So, you opened the door, and we just stepped in.

Keep in mind, that we are ribbing you all in fun, as you were ribbing me by crowning me king. No offense is intended. But we, the ones adding fluff to your thread, really would like to see you build a railroad. Not just a railroad, but a great railroad, that you can enjoy for years to come. That is what we really want.

Yeah, what he said (

Page 19 … Has he started yet ? Hmmmmmm

What all that is, is called “MOTIVATION”…(

Devon Sinsley said:

  1. To just go silent . . .

  2. and then pop up next July after a year of silence and show pictures of a RR.

  3. That would teach all of you’in to pick on me. lol

  4. You guys are lucky I have a thick skin, a self-deprecating sense of humor, and no other friends to hang out with.

  5. Otherwise I might take my toys and go somewhere else.(

well, let’s try to be logical.

1 - that idea from a person, who has about ten times as much yearly posts, than i have… seems a little fictional for me.

2 - “a” RR, or “your” RR? / a year of silence? only, if you write in another forum.

3 - it would teach us nothing. after a year of silence, you would be forgotten anyhow. and if you would pop up then, with a layout, we would have the pleasure, to either admire, or critizise it. win - win for us.

4 - right. - as you are, to have such caring friends in the forum. grinning evilly

5 - wrong. - before taking your toys somewhere else, you need to have toys. so, if you want to have that option avayable, you have to build first.

so, listen to your friends (evil laughing in the background) and start doing something for your future RR empire!

Devon at least your layout is moving ahead, mine is so buried under so much junk I have no control over, I’m beginning to have doubts I’ll ever get back to it.

I so feel the love. What Korm said would almost be funny if it wasn’t steeped in so much truth. I am pluggin away gents.

Tomorrow is my birthday, a a present to my self I will finish the siding project and declare myself ready to build railroady type stuff. Starting with the yard cabinet. Track should be here Monday. when I get the cabinet built I want to lay all the track on it so that I can build the 5 way switch and get it installed. Then the rest of the project will take off from there.

I have conversed with Ken and I think I am going to adopt his bench work for the wye section coming off the yard. It makes more sense that just ladder and post.

The fun stuff is about to start.

Devon Sinsley said:

I so feel the love. What Korm said would almost be funny if it wasn’t steeped in so much truth. I am pluggin away gents.

Tomorrow is my birthday, a a present to my self I will finish the siding project and declare myself ready to build railroady type stuff. Starting with the yard cabinet. Track should be here Monday. when I get the cabinet built I want to lay all the track on it so that I can build the 5 way switch and get it installed. Then the rest of the project will take off from there.

I have conversed with Ken and I think I am going to adopt his bench work for the wye section coming off the yard. It makes more sense that just ladder and post.

The fun stuff is about to start.

Don’t threaten us Devon. (

Devon Sinsley said:

I so feel the love. What Korm said would almost be funny if it wasn’t steeped in so much truth. I am pluggin away gents.

Tomorrow is my birthday, a a present to my self I will finish the siding project and declare myself ready to build railroady type stuff. Starting with the yard cabinet. Track should be here Monday. when I get the cabinet built I want to lay all the track on it so that I can build the 5 way switch and get it installed. Then the rest of the project will take off from there.

I have conversed with Ken and I think I am going to adopt his bench work for the wye section coming off the yard. It makes more sense that just ladder and post.

The fun stuff is about to start.

Uh huh. . . we heard that way back on page 1.

i love this thread!

it can never derail, because it was never on topic…

Devon Sinsley said:

You know what would be fun. To just go silent . . . and then pop up next July after a year of silence and show pictures of a RR. That would teach all of you’in to pick on me. lol

You guys are lucky I have a thick skin, a self-deprecating sense of humor, and no other friends to hang out with. Otherwise I might take my toys and go somewhere else.(

It should be easy. All the stuff is still in boxes. :wink:



This is one rough crowd, I’m glad you’ve all decided to follow Devon instead of me. But as John said earlier, “Buck up youngster”. Besides Devon, remember we’re on your side, so far. LOL


Its starting to get rough. The sharks must have smelt blood.

Devon, I for a second thought you were going to hand lay your track since you just bought rail, but then remembered some places sell them seperate, so I hope I didn’t cause any undue pressure or wild late night thoughts of Should I do hand laid?

And as a beginner who wishes he could start I am following just to see how you are doing and to encourage me when I start … again, maybe this fall… maybe. So I guess I am a butt modeler too for the time being, Maybe Dave and I will start another club here like the IARR. Good luck and anything I add to this is purely in jest and for fun and stress relief

Oh yeah, Happy birthday too!!! Hope you get rolling stock and locomotives.